Debugging Environment : Keil uVision 4.0
Hardware : Texas Instrument ARM Cortex-M4F Tiva C Series TM4C123G Launch Pad
Software Language : Thumb Assembly
- Tried different memory addressing modes to test input and output
- Used on-board RAM instead of Flash memory to flash an LED with 1Hz frequency
- Made and called small subroutines to execute the main program
- Passed parameters and status to the subroutines
- Implemented Morse code transmitting system using LED with time delay configurations
- Controlled the LEDs and switch for input and output interfacing
- Used simple counter subroutines for time increment
- Implemented a reflex meter that catches the human reaction time to the LED light and the switch
- Wrote an interrupt service routine(ISR) which is triggered when the user presses the SW1 button
- Implemented a random number generator to configure a falling edge SW1 interrupt