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  The API is going under some substantial cleanups;  If you are building from sources prior to Jun 20, 2011,
you will likely find near-zero one-one compatibility.
  - Generally, the new API's are applied to SQS, S3 and SDB (in progress)
  - Check godoc for the new structures & shapes.
  - The tools have been aggregated into a single built tool (in progress)

  Some key functions are not yet implemented (ACL's, subresources), 
and most of it is not yet thoroughly tested outside the direct 
paths required for the command line tool.

  For quick usage examples, see {elb,s3,simpledb,sqs}/util/*.go.  The tools are 
fully capable of basic administration of ELB, S3, SQS, and SimpleDB resources, but 
are intended primarily for testing and API usage examples.

  This package should build/goinstall on its own, but to make use of the sub-modules,
you will need to run 'make modules modules_install'.  (If anyone can submit a patch
to allow goinstall to do the entire project, it will be gladly accepted!)

 - All the core modules maintain a persistant connection to the service endpoint
 - S3 doesn't currently follow redirects for puts
 - NO api's automatically retry, it is left to the caller to retry if so desired.
 - Errors are not consistant across all modules/calls, work is ongoing to fix this.
 - There are a number of issues related to Go's XML parsing that have made
full implementation potentially buggy.
 - Most basic commands/operations are available, but we do not currently support
setting ACL's or IAM (directly). 

Alternatives (let me know if I miss any)
  goamz - - seems to have much more complete
ec2 support, and s3


Go bindings for AWS







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