Thinkst Applied Research
OpenCanary Correlator collects events from OpenCanary daemons and coalesces them. It sends alerts via email and sms
- Redis
- Python 2.7
- Mandrill API keys for email
- Twillio API keys for sms
On Ubuntu install the following:
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server libffi-dev python-dev
- Create a virtualenv
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
- Install via pip, or
$ pip install opencanary-correlator
- Install from source
$ git clone
$ cd opencanary-correlator
$ python install
- Start Redis
- Locate the installed template config file, by running the correlator without any arguments
$ opencanary-correlator
Warning: no config file specified. Using the template config (which does not have any alerting configured):
$ cp /path/to/template/opencanary_correlator.conf ./
- Edit the config file to add API keys, email address and/or phone numbers for alerts
- Run the correlator with saved config file
opencanary-correlator --config=./opencanary_correlator.conf
- Configure instances of opencanaryd to send events to the correlator.