Job scheduling service that can streamline credit card statement generation.
Download kafka and extract it.
Run Kafka By using CLI Commands
- Step 1. Run Zookeeper Server
$ bin/ config/
on windows:
kafka-3.7.1>bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\
- Step 2. Run Kafka Server
$ bin/ config/
on windows:
kafka-3.7.1>bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\
- Step 3. Run the producer server. In this app, a scheduler will fetch the transaction details of users whose statements are to be generated today and send them to the Kafka server for further processing.
producer>mvn spring-boot:run
- Step 4. Run the consumer server. Receives the transaction details of users from the Kafka server and generates the card statement document for each user.
consumer>mvn spring-boot:run
Insert 5 users: http://localhost:8080/insertUsers/5
Check users in h2 database: http://localhost:8080/h2-console
Add transaction for each user: http://localhost:8080/doTransaction?userId=10001
Send : http://localhost:8080/sendCardStatementRequestToKafka
Check the generated documents at location