Are you tired of watching professional League of Legends games? Do you watch only for the drops?
This tool makes the Chrome browser watch the matches for you!
- Checks for new live matches
- Closes finished matches
- Automatically logs user in
- Runs in background
- Multiple accounts
- Sets Twitch quality to the lowest possible
- Checks for the Rewards check mark
- Experimental support for Firefox and Edge
(Outdated, will be updated in the future)
- Download and run the latest from Releases tab
- Extract the archive
- (Optional) Edit the configuration file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad) - see Configuration for details
- Run
- If you do not use the autologin feature - log into your account
Note: I am using Google Chrome + automatic login + headless. This will be the most stable and preferred configuration.
Default configuration:
headless: false
enable: false
If you wish to enable automatic login and to run the browser in the background:
headless: true
enable: true
username: "YourUsername"
password: "YourPassword"
Experimental support for alternative browsers (default: chrome):
browser: firefox # Other options: chrome, edge
Set delay in seconds between checks for new matches (default: 600):
delay: 600
The program supports multiple accounts by default. However, if you want to use the automatic login + headless mode, the best method to start the program is to use the included batch script.
- Create configuration file for each account
- Open the example combine.bat in a text editor
- For each account, add path to the account's config file, e.g.
START CapsuleFarmer.exe -c config.account1.yaml
- Run the .bat script
- My username/password contains special characters and the program cannot login automatically
- Do you have quotes arund the username/password? Correct:
password: "P@$$w0rd"
; Incorrect:password: P@$$w0rd
- Do you have quotes arund the username/password? Correct:
- The Riot Account login page is not loading
- Simply refresh the page a bunch of times. This is an issue with the website, not the program.
- There are warnings / errors but the program runs fine
- You can ignore them. These are most of the time Chrome related warnings and errors. As long as the program runs fine, you can ignore them.
- Program crashes immediately
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 73, in <module> File "chromedriver_autoinstaller\", line 20, in install File "chromedriver_autoinstaller\", line 195, in download_chromedriver File "chromedriver_autoinstaller\", line 118, in get_chrome_version IndexError: list index out of range [7016] Failed to execute script 'main' due to unhandled exception!
- You don't have Google Chrome installed.
- It doesn't work
The program can be run in docker composed config. This config is meant to be run on ARMv7 architecture devices such as
Raspberry Pi. Setup starts two containers. The EsportContainerFarmer and Standalone Selenium Firefox (Firefox was
used because it used less memory on my device). The program runs in headless
mode so make sure you have disabled 2FA
for your account. If you have old Raspberry Pi (1GB Ram or less) you should increase your swap memory and increase wait
time multiplier to at least 3
- Docker engine >= 19.03.0+
- Docker Compose, supporting Compose File format >= 3.9
- Clone this repo -
[email protected]:kacperkr90/EsportsCapsuleFarmer.git
- Move to the directory -
cd EsportsCapsuleFarmer
- Create api.env file
- Run the tool -
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.raspberry-limits.yml up -d
- To run on Synology:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.synology.yml up -d
All environment variables are required when run in docker-composed config.
Name | Description |
CONTAINERISED | Values true , false . Default false . Has to be set to true to inform the program that it's running inside container |
HEADLESS | Values true , false . Default true . true if you want to run the program in headless mode. To set it to false you have to remove SE_START_XVFB=false lines from docker-compose.yml file. |
AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED | Values true , false . Default true . Has to be set to true . You can theoretically set it to false with SE_START_XVFB=false removed but you will have insert credentials by yourself via Sessions GUI in selenium hub |
BROWSER | Default remote . Set value to remote if you are using docker-compose config. |
USERNAME | Your username |
PASSWORD | Your password. If your password contains special characters such as # you should wrap your password into single quoutes, i.e. PASSWORD='your#password' |
REMOTE_WD_HUB_URL | Selenium hub url. In this docker composed config it's http://firefox:4444/wd/hub |
WAIT_VALUES_MULTIPLIER | This value is an Integer (default 1 ). Multiplies wait values from the script. You should increase this value if your Raspberry Pi device is low on the resources. I have set this to 3 on my Raspberry Pi 2 (1GB RAM). |
DELAY_IN_SECONDS | Default is 600 (seconds). Delay between checks for new matches. |
SE_NODE_SESSION_TIMEOUT | Selenium session timeout (seconds). The SE_NODE_SESSION_TIMEOUT > DELAY_IN_SECONDS ,so if you set your DELAY_IN_SECONDS to i.e. 600 then set your SE_NODE_SESSION_TIMEOUT to 660 . |
- Move to the project directory -
cd /your/path/to/this/repo
- Stop and delete docker resources -
docker-compose down
- Pull new changes -
git pull
- Rebuild EsportCapsuleFarmer image -
docker-compose build
- Run the tool -
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.raspberry-limits.yml up -d
usage: CapsuleFarmer.exe [-h] [-b {chrome,firefox,edge}] [-c CONFIGPATH] [-d DELAY]
Farm Esports Capsules by watching
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b {chrome,firefox,edge}, --browser {chrome,firefox,edge}
Select one of the supported browsers
Path to a custom config file
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
Time spent sleeping between match checking (in seconds)
- Python >= 3.10.1
- pipenv (
pip install pipenv
- Clone this repo -
git clone
- Move to the directory -
cd EsportsCapsuleFarmer
- Install the Python virtual environment -
pipenv install
- (Optional) Edit the configuration file
- Run the tool -
pipenv run python ./
pipenv install --dev
pipenv run pyinstaller -F --icon=poro.ico ./