Less Talk, More Action.
😃I'm a junior high school student from China and I'm learning to be a full-stack web developer.
🌳I am learning PHP and Python at the same time In fact, I could only develop with Python and PHP.
- 🌏Trying to become a open-sourcer but there are nothing I could share LOL
- 🐳I could speak Chinese,Russian and English.
- 🍺 I used to keep a blog in both Chinese and English but the server was burnt down because my neighbor burnt his house...
- 💻I once lived in the UK and my teacher gave me the name Kain (I know it sounds like Cain but I really thank my teacher so I kept this name) and Hao is my last name in Chinese.
- 🀄I don't have much time to use Github so wait for my reply if you have anything to do with me or just ignore me...
- 📷Love travelling.
Email me at [email protected].
QQ: 2427715746 Telegram:Kain Clinton (Maybe I'll go online for once per year LOL)