A basic point-of-sale system tailored for use by BCA Mart project team members and volunteer cashiers, inspired by Shopkeep. A high school senior capstone project.
As of June 2019, this app is no longer being developed and maintained.
- Inventory management
- Volunteers management *incomplete
- Transactions log
- Cashier POS screen w/ discount feature for volunteers
- Volunteer clock in/out system
- Authentication discerning between project vs. volunteer user
- Department management
- Display sales data given date/time range
- Analytics & graphical data
- Dashboard
- Hosting
- Lots of frontend polish!
- Dedicated inventory adjustment page
- Tabbed item button groups based on department (cashier screen)
- Node.js using the Express.js framework
- Firebase Realtime DB and Auth
- jQuery + DataTable plugin
- PUG template engine
- Bootstrap