feat: adds search via orama #267
This check has been archived and is scheduled for deletion.
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Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Dec 7, 2023 in 4m 12s
Build Failed
The build failed, just like the previous build.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #267 feat: adds search via orama.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build has three jobs, running in three sequential stages.
Stage 1: BUILD
This stage passed.
Job | Node.js | OS | State |
16 | Linux | passed |
Stage 2: DOC
This stage failed.
Job | Node.js | OS | State |
16 | Linux | failed |
Stage 3: TEST
This stage canceled.
Job | Node.js | ENV | OS | State |
16 | CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID=ce3b24cd7b710c5ab893043eec49a13ee068b92c35d75a20a2b2cb4470fb1e42 | Linux | canceled |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Ruby |
Operating System | Linux (Xenial) |
Build Configuration
"language": "ruby",
"os": [
"dist": "xenial",
"notifications": {
"email": [
"enabled": false
"slack": [
"rooms": [
"secure": "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"
"on_success": "always",
"on_failure": "always"
"stages": [
"name": "BUILD",
"if": "commit_message !~ /\\[skip build\\]/"
"name": "DOC",
"if": "commit_message !~ /\\[skip doc\\]/"
"name": "TEST",
"if": "commit_message !~ /\\[skip test\\]/"
"jobs": {
"include": [
"stage": "BUILD",
"language": "node_js",
"node_js": "16",
"services": [
"script": [
"IMAGE_NAME=\"$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG\"\nif [[ -z \"$TRAVIS_TAG\" ]]; then\n IMAGE_TAG=latest\nelse\n IMAGE_TAG=$(node -p -e \"require('./package.json').version\")\nfi\ndocker build -f dockerfile -t $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG .\n"
"before_deploy": [
"docker login -u=\"$DOCKER_USER\" -p=\"$DOCKER_PASSWORD\""
"deploy": [
"provider": "script",
"script": "docker push $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG",
"on": {
"all_branches": true
"stage": "DOC",
"language": "node_js",
"node_js": "16",
"install": [
"script": [
"cd docs && yarn install && yarn build"
"deploy": [
"provider": "pages",
"strategy": "git",
"local_dir": "docs/.vitepress/dist",
"skip_cleanup": true,
"token": "$GITHUB_TOKEN",
"keep_history": true
"stage": "TEST",
"language": "node_js",
"node_js": "16",
"services": [
"env": [
"CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID": "ce3b24cd7b710c5ab893043eec49a13ee068b92c35d75a20a2b2cb4470fb1e42"
"before_install": [
"sudo apt-get update",
"sudo apt-get -y install ca-certificates lftp"
"before_script": [
"curl -L https://codeclimate.com/downloads/test-reporter/test-reporter-latest-linux-amd64 > ./cc-test-reporter",
"chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter",
"./cc-test-reporter before-build",
"docker pull v4tech/imagemagick"
"after_script": [
"./cc-test-reporter after-build --exit-code $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT"