You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 35
Here you can view all permissions this plugin supports. We recommend using LuckPerms or PermissionsEx (for older Minecraft versions) as a permission plugin, as these have proven stability over the many years of their course.
One of the best parts about ChatControl is that, you can view the required permission directly within the error message when you attempt to execute a command you don't have access to.
1) If you are an operator or have the "*" permission and would like something not to apply for you, simply give yourself that as a negative permission. For example to stop yourself from automatically joining into channels, give yourself "-chatcontrol.channel.autojoin." permission. If you have LuckPerms, that would be "chatcontrol.channel.autojoin." permission with a value of "false".
2) The magic &k color has "obfuscated" permission name, such as "chatcontrol.color.obfuscated".
You can read more about channel permissions here: https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl/wiki/Channels#auto-join.
For legacy colors use chatcontrol.color.{color}
, for hex colors use chatcontrol.hexcolor.{color_name}
If you see the dumb of the permissions file below, please note that chatcontrol.color.{color} can also have the color replaced with decorations too, not just legacy colors. So you can use:
- chatcontrol.color.bold
- chatcontrol.color.obfuscated
- chatcontrol.color.strikethrough
- chatcontrol.color.underline
- chatcontrol.color.italic
For the most up-to-date color permission information, see the header comments in the "Colors" section of settings.yml.
To list all permissions ChatControl has to offer, type "/chc perms". We moved our permissions list to the game because it was harder to maintain it here, and we can also show what permissions you have when you run this command in game.
You can also view the required permission directly in the error message when you attempt to execute a command you don't have access to.
Some permissions are given to everyone by default, even non-OPs and basic players. These are:
- chatcontrol.receive.announcer: See messages you announce via /chc announce command.
- chatcontrol.soundnotify: Tag players such as "Hey @kangarko" that uses the Sound Notify feature that will make the tag colorful and send a sound to the tagged player.
- chatcontrol.chat.read: See chat messages.
- chatcontrol.chat.write: Write chat messages.
- chatcontrol.use.color.chat: Use chat colors the player has permissions for (see the class dumb below) in chat.
- chatcontrol.use.color.me: Use chat colors the player has permissions for (see the class dumb below) in /me.
- chatcontrol.use.color.prefix: Use chat colors the player has permissions for (see the class dumb below) in /tag prefix.
- chatcontrol.use.color.nick: Use chat colors the player has permissions for (see the class dumb below) in /tag nick.
- chatcontrol.use.color.suffix: Use chat colors the player has permissions for (see the class dumb below) in /tag suffix.
- chatcontrol.use.color.private_message: Use chat colors the player has permissions for (see the class dumb below) in /tell.
- chatcontrol.bypass.spamkick: Do not get kicked by Bukkit for spamming repeatedly (we have a better antispam filter than Bukkit has).
Some permissions are taken away by default, even that OPs won't have them (you have to see how that performs with your permission plugin).
- chatcontrol.spy.autoenable: We disable players starting to spy everything when they join, by default.
- chatcontrol.bypass.range.world: Even if you have "chatcontrol.bypass.range" we still prevent you from chatting across the entire world, if your channel has a Range option. That means you need to give yourself this permission explicitly to chat over your entire world and other connected worlds.
Here are some extra permissions for Proxy:
Perm: chatcontrol.silence.join
Info: Hide the join message when the player joins on another server.
Perm: chatcontrol.silence.leave
Info: Hide the leave message when the player leaves from another server.
Perm: chatcontrol.silence.switch
Info: Hide the switch message when the player goes from one server to another.
public final class Permissions {
@PermissionGroup("Permissions for main commands.")
public static final class Command {
@Permission("Announce important messages to everyone. Append chat, title, actionbar, bossbar or toast at the end.")
public static final String ANNOUNCE_TYPE = "chatcontrol.command.announce.";
@Permission("Read or save books you can use in rules etc.")
public static final String BOOK = "chatcontrol.command.book";
@Permission("Clear the game chat.")
public static final String CLEAR = "chatcontrol.command.clear";
@Permission("Clear the console.")
public static final String CLEAR_CONSOLE = "chatcontrol.command.clear.console";
@Permission("Change your chat color/decoration.")
public static final String COLOR = "chatcontrol.command.color";
@Permission("Change another player's color/decoration.")
public static final String COLOR_OTHERS = "chatcontrol.command.color.others";
@Permission("Compress settings for GitHub issues.")
public static final String DEBUG = "chatcontrol.command.debug";
@Permission("Send commands to proxy or another server.")
public static final String FORWARD = "chatcontrol.command.forward";
@Permission("Toggle seeing messages/PMs from players.")
public static final String IGNORE = "chatcontrol.command.ignore";
@Permission("List who is ignoring messages/PMs.")
public static final String IGNORE_LIST = "chatcontrol.command.ignore.list";
@Permission("Toggle seeing messages/PMs for others.")
public static final String IGNORE_OTHERS = "chatcontrol.command.ignore.others";
@Permission("Print various debug information.")
public static final String INFO = "chatcontrol.command.info";
@Permission("Browse players on your server or proxy.")
public static final String LIST = "chatcontrol.command.list";
@Permission("View last player communication.")
public static final String LOG = "chatcontrol.command.log";
@Permission("Manage your game mail.")
public static final String MAIL = "chatcontrol.command.mail";
@Permission("Send mail to all players who ever joined the server.")
public static final String MAIL_SEND_ALL = "chatcontrol.command.mail.send.all";
@Permission("Send mail to all online players.")
public static final String MAIL_SEND_ONLINE = "chatcontrol.command.mail.send.online";
@Permission("Send a formatted message.")
public static final String ME = "chatcontrol.command.me";
@Permission("Send a formatted message, similar to me but no bungee support.")
public static final String SAY = "chatcontrol.command.say";
@Permission("Manage player messages.")
public static final String MESSAGE = "chatcontrol.command.message";
@Permission("Migrate data between MySQL and data.yml.")
public static final String MIGRATE = "chatcontrol.command.migrate";
@Permission("Read the message of the day.")
public static final String MOTD = "chatcontrol.command.motd";
@Permission("Send the message of the day to other players.")
public static final String MOTD_OTHERS = "chatcontrol.command.motd.others";
@Permission("Mute the game chat.")
public static final String MUTE = "chatcontrol.command.mute";
@Permission("List all plugin permissions.")
public static final String PERMISSIONS = "chatcontrol.command.permissions";
@Permission("Manage player warning points.")
public static final String POINTS = "chatcontrol.command.points";
@Permission("Remove past player's messages.")
public static final String PURGE = "chatcontrol.command.purge";
@Permission("Look up player's real name and nick.")
public static final String REAL_NAME = "chatcontrol.command.realname";
@Permission("Manage map regions used in rules.")
public static final String REGION = "chatcontrol.command.region";
@Permission("Reload plugin configuration.")
public static final String RELOAD = "chatcontrol.command.reload";
@Permission("Reply to last player who messaged you.")
public static final String REPLY = "chatcontrol.command.reply";
@Permission("Manage the rules system.")
public static final String RULE = "chatcontrol.command.rule";
@Permission("Execute JavaScript scripts.")
public static final String SCRIPT = "chatcontrol.command.script";
@Permission("Send the chat message through the given format.")
public static final String SEND_FORMAT = "chatcontrol.command.sendformat";
@Permission("Toggle spying player commands and messages.")
public static final String SPY = "chatcontrol.command.spy";
@Permission("Set yourself a tag such as prefix, suffix or nick. Append prefix, suffix or nick at the end.")
public static final String TAG_TYPE = "chatcontrol.command.tag.";
@Permission("Control tags for players.")
public static final String TAG_ADMIN = "chatcontrol.command.tag.admin";
@Permission("Send private messages to players.")
public static final String TELL = "chatcontrol.command.tell";
@Permission("Run a message through our rules.")
public static final String TEST_RULES = "chatcontrol.command.testrules";
@Permission("Forcefully save player data to the database.")
public static final String TEST_SAVE = "chatcontrol.command.testsave";
@Permission("Discover what ChatControl is and how it can help your server.")
public static final String TOUR = "chatcontrol.command.tour";
@Permission("Toggle seeing parts of the plugin. Append mail, announcement, me, pm, death, join, kick, quit, list or soundnotify at the end.")
public static final String TOGGLE_TYPE = "chatcontrol.command.toggle.";
@Permission(value = "Toggle a given plugin part on, see the main toggle permission.", def = true)
public static final String TOGGLE_STATE_ON = "chatcontrol.command.toggle.on";
@Permission(value = "Toggle a given plugin part off, see the main toggle permission.", def = true)
public static final String TOGGLE_STATE_OFF = "chatcontrol.command.toggle.off";
@Permission("Reload player's tab list name.")
public static final String UPDATE = "chatcontrol.command.update";
@PermissionGroup("Use certain colors in chat via & or via command.")
public static final class Color {
@Permission("Allow players use & colors in chat. Append color name at the end such as red.")
public static final String COLOR = "chatcontrol.color.";
@Permission("Allow players use MiniMessage tags with actions in chat such as <click>, <hover> tags etc. Warning: Those tags can be exploited. Append the action at the end. Supported actions: hover, click, insertion, rainbow, and font")
public static final String ACTION = "chatcontrol.action.";
@Permission("Allow players use hex colors in chat. Append color at the end such as ccffdd without #.")
public static final String HEXCOLOR = "chatcontrol.hexcolor.";
@Permission("Allow players use color names in /{label_main} color command and menu. Append color at the end with name such as red.")
public static final String GUICOLOR = "chatcontrol.guicolor.";
@Permission("Allow players use hex colors in /{label_main} color command and menu. Append color at the end with code such as ccffdd without #.")
public static final String HEXGUICOLOR = "chatcontrol.hexguicolor.";
@Permission(value = "Allow players use & and hex colors. Append Colors.Apply_On sections from settings.yml at the end (by default players can use colors everywhere)", def = true)
public static final String USE = "chatcontrol.use.color.";
@PermissionGroup("Prevent applying certain parts of the plugin.")
public static final class Bypass {
@Permission("Bypass the anticaps filter.")
public static final String CAPS = "chatcontrol.bypass.caps";
@Permission("Prevents your screen from getting wiped when chat is cleared.")
public static final String CLEAR = "chatcontrol.bypass.clear";
@Permission("Bypass time limit for messages.")
public static final String DELAY_CHAT = "chatcontrol.bypass.delay.chat";
@Permission("Bypass time limit for commands.")
public static final String DELAY_COMMAND = "chatcontrol.bypass.delay.command";
@Permission("Do not apply capitalize first/insert dot grammar adjustments.")
public static final String GRAMMAR = "chatcontrol.bypass.grammar";
@Permission("Prevent your messages and commands from being logged.")
public static final String LOG = "chatcontrol.bypass.log";
@Permission("Allow player joining if he has a disallowed nickname.")
public static final String LOGIN_USERNAMES = "chatcontrol.bypass.login.usernames";
@Permission("Prevent antibot chat/command until move check.")
public static final String MOVE = "chatcontrol.bypass.move";
@Permission("Except player from different rules if he is newcomer.")
public static final String NEWCOMER = "chatcontrol.bypass.newcomer";
@Permission("Bypass the vanilla antispam kick when typing rapidly.")
public static final String SPAM_KICK = "chatcontrol.bypass.spamkick";
@Permission("Prevent antibot sign duplication check.")
public static final String SIGN_DUPLICATION = "chatcontrol.bypass.signduplication";
@Permission("Bypass chat or channel mute.")
public static final String MUTE = "chatcontrol.bypass.mute";
@Permission("Bypass period antispam check.")
public static final String PERIOD = "chatcontrol.bypass.period";
@Permission("Bypass channel range and reach everyone on all worlds. False even to OPs by default.")
public static final String RANGE = "chatcontrol.bypass.range";
@Permission("Bypass channel range and reach everyone on the same world only. False even to OPs by default.")
public static final String RANGE_WORLD = "chatcontrol.bypass.range.world";
@Permission("Send messages and private messages to players who ignore you, or have PMs disabled.")
public static final String REACH = "chatcontrol.bypass.reach";
@Permission("See and message vanished players.")
public static final String VANISH = "chatcontrol.bypass.vanish";
@Permission("Bypass similarity antispam check for messages.")
public static final String SIMILARITY_CHAT = "chatcontrol.bypass.similarity.chat";
@Permission("Bypass similarity antispam check for commands.")
public static final String SIMILARITY_COMMAND = "chatcontrol.bypass.similarity.command";
@Permission("Bypass tab-complete filtering.")
public static final String TAB_COMPLETE = "chatcontrol.bypass.tabcomplete";
@Permission("Do not receive warning points and bypass their actions.")
public static final String WARNING_POINTS = "chatcontrol.bypass.warnpoints";
@Permission("Bypass the antispam parrot check.")
public static final String PARROT = "chatcontrol.bypass.parrot";
@Permission("Prevent player actions from being spied upon. Append chat, command, private_message, mail, sígn, book or anvil at the end.")
public static final String SPY_TYPE = "chatcontrol.bypass.spy.";
@PermissionGroup("Permissions for chat channels.")
public static final class Channel {
@Permission("Automatically join the given channel to the given mode on join")
public static final String AUTO_JOIN = "chatcontrol.channel.autojoin.{channel}.{mode}";
@Permission("Join channel in mode with '/{label_channel} join'")
public static final String JOIN = "chatcontrol.channel.join.{channel}.{mode}";
@Permission("Join others to channels with '/{label_channel} join'")
public static final String JOIN_OTHERS = "chatcontrol.channel.join.others";
@Permission("Leave channel with '/{label_channel} leave'")
public static final String LEAVE = "chatcontrol.channel.leave.{channel}";
@Permission("Leave others from channels with '/{label_channel} leave'")
public static final String LEAVE_OTHERS = "chatcontrol.channel.leave.others";
@Permission("List players in channels with '/{label_channel} list'")
public static final String LIST = "chatcontrol.channel.list";
@Permission("Mute or kick players from channels in '/{label_channel} list'")
public static final String LIST_OPTIONS = "chatcontrol.channel.list.options";
@Permission("Send messages to channel as a player with '/{label_channel} sendas'")
public static final String SEND_AS = "chatcontrol.channel.sendas.{channel}";
@Permission("Send messages to channel with '/{label_channel} send'")
public static final String SEND = "chatcontrol.channel.send.{channel}";
@Permission("Manually set a player's channel with '/{label_channel} set'")
public static final String SET = "chatcontrol.channel.set";
@PermissionGroup("Control messages the player can receive.")
public static final class Receive {
@Permission(value = "See messages from /{label_main} announce.", def = true)
public static final String ANNOUNCER = "chatcontrol.receive.announcer";
@PermissionGroup("Permissions for Discord related features.")
public static final class Discord {
@Permission(value = "Able to use @ in chat messages and tag roles on Discord.")
public static final String TAG = "chatcontrol.discord.tag";
@PermissionGroup("Spying related permissions.")
public static final class Spy {
@Permission("Prevent player actions from being spied upon. Append chat, command, private_message, mail, sígn, book or anvil at the end.")
public static final String TYPE = "chatcontrol.spy.";
@Permission("Automatically start spying everything on join.")
public static final String AUTO_ENABLE = "chatcontrol.spy.autoenable";
@PermissionGroup("Permissions related to game chat.")
public static final class Chat {
@Permission(value = "See game chat messages.", def = true)
public static final String READ = "chatcontrol.chat.read";
@Permission(value = "Write messages to game chat.", def = true)
public static final String WRITE = "chatcontrol.chat.write";
@Permission(value = "Convert URLs to clickable.", def = true)
public static final String LINKS = "chatcontrol.chat.links";
@Permission("Automatically assign a certain group to player. Append the group name at the end.")
public static final String GROUP_NAME = "chatcontrol.group.";
@Permission(value = "Use the sound notify feature. True by default.", def = true)
public static final String SOUND_NOTIFY = "chatcontrol.soundnotify";
© MineAcademy | Code Unique Minecraft Plugins & Servers In 20 Days
- Channels
- Formats
- Rules
- Rules Creator
- Messages
- Variables
- JavaScript Variables
- Running JavaScript Code
- Logs
- Spying
- Books
- Performance
- Chat Bots
- Groups
- Sound Notify
- Newcomer
- Super Cool Messages
- Custom Commands
- Listener Priorities