This project serves as a new website for Snark Bean and integrates their existing Shopify store and blog. This repository has the API keys removed, but a hosted version can be viewed at:
This project is built using React.js and TypeScript. Here are the steps to start the project on a development server:
- Install node.js:
- Open terminal and get a local copy of the project:
git clone
- cd into /cst8334-21w-330-team-3/snark-bean and run:
npm install
- Start development server:
npm start
- View the site at http://localhost:3000/
- Root folder of the project is at snark-bean\src\index.tsx
- Router.tsx is the component that handles the routing for the app.
- Most of the custom components have their own folder in the Components folder.
- Material-UI is a frontend library that provides various pre-built components
- Some benefits of using Material-UI includes dynamic dynamic components, Material design principles, and cusom animations
- Their documentation is execeptional and can be found here:
- The global theme file is at snark-bean\src\Theme.tsx
- Offers both a REST and a GraphQL option/reference
- Using this API would provide significantly more access than the Storefront API
- The GraphQL reference/documentation can be found here:
- This application does not use this API whatsoever and instead uses the Storefront API below
- All requests executed by this application are done using the Storefront API
- The Storefront API is relatively new
- There is no REST option/reference for this API, only GraphQL
- The documentation can be found here:
- This API provides access to a significant amount of data, including Blog, Product, Customer, Address and more
- Pracitcally everything most frontend applications would need to access from a Shopify store is supplied by this API
- If this application is to add features that are not available with this API (this is an unlikely scenario), it might be wiser to develop a backend from scrath for the extedned features, or to find a library that can handle them. Instead of switching over to the Admin API
- It is to be noted, that the Admin API offers COMPLETE access to all accessible data from a Shopify store
- This application currently stores the access token in plain view in index.tsx, while this is considered ok for this API. Storing it as a secret is a good idea
- This library is used in ContactForm.tsx to send email's. the functionality has already been tested and works perfectly
- Because the current implementation was using a team member's personal email, the necessary information for sending emails with Email js has been removed
- ***The next set of steps detail the requirements for using emailjs:
- Head to the website and create an account (using Kim's (<-- the client) email)
- Set up a service and create a template
- Here is the template that the application was using:
***Hey Kim,
You got a new message from {{name}}:
Email Address: {{email}}
Phone Number: {{phone}}
Best wishes,***
- In ContactForm.tsx, the sendEmail function is all that's required for sending emails
- Reference found here:
The site has been deployed using Firebase, which is very simple to use and is free. Official docs:
- Create a Firebase account:
- Select 'add project' and create a new project
- cd into /cst8334-21w-330-team-3/snark-bean
- Create production build of app:
npm run build
- Download firebase CLI:
- run:
npm install -g firebase-tools
Firebase login
Firebase init
- Select the snark bean project from the options
- Specify 'build' as your public directory and select 'no' for the rest
- deploy your app!
firebase deploy