The goal of this project is to provide an easy-to-use framework that will allow to simulate a training of a self-driving car using OpenAI Gym, ROS and Gazebo. The project is based on openai_ros package. This package implements an architecture that was proposed by The Construct team.
- Ubuntu 18.04 or Windows WSL Ubuntu 18.04
- Python 2.7 and pip2
- Tensorflow CPU or GPU
The whole setup can be found in which is used to setup docker (goto docker section) which is the simplest way to launch the simulation.
Official instructions can be found here
chmod +x ./docker/install_ros.s
Creating catkin_ws
directory, cloning and building all projects:
chmod +x ./docker/
./docker/ <path/to/home_dir>
pip install -U -r ./docker/requirements.txt
Start MIT racecar simulation in its own terminal:
source ~/<catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch racecar_gazebo racecar_tunnel.launch
Start training in the second terminal:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch neuroracer_gym_rl start.launch agent:=<agent name>
There are 2 implemented agents: dqn
and double_dqn
Note: if you are getting Exception sending a message
error, you should set the IGN_IP
environment variable (details) before launching ros-packages:
export IGN_IP=
Sometimes headless setup is needed. For example, when there is only ssh access to the server or if the server runs on Windows.
Headless setup has a couple of special requirements. In order to get the camera rendering a view, you will need an xserver running. This can be achieved in several ways. The universal solution is Xvfb.
Xvfb or X virtual framebuffer is a display server implementing the X11 display server protocol. In contrast to other display servers, Xvfb performs all graphical operations in virtual memory without showing any screen output. wikipedia
sudo apt install xvfb
Gzweb is a WebGL client for Gazebo. Like gzclient, it's a front-end graphical interface to gzserver and provides visualization of the simulation. However, Gzweb is a thin client in comparison, and lets you interact with the simulation from the comfort of a web browser. This means cross-platform support, minimal client-side installation, and support for mobile devices. Gzweb
chmod +x ./docker/
./docker/ path/to/home_dir
Just pull the image:
docker pull karay/neuroracer
and run it with following params:
docker run -d --runtime=nvidia -p 8080:8080 -p 8888:8888 karay/neuroracer
Where http://localhost:8080
is Gazebo Web and http://localhost:8888
is Jupyter Lab. There is also an example notebook:
Note: This image is setup for CUDA 10 and Tensorflow GPU. So docker-ce
and nvidia-docker2 are required.