Project Name:- Binary Calculator (Infinite Precision Calculator)
- This is the Command line Arbitrary precision calculator which is implemented using C Programming language.
- It tries to implement some functionalities from unix based command 'bc'.
- Operations performed on countably infinite length numbers are as follows:-
- Addition
- Substraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Modulus
- SquareRoot
- Trignometric Functions like Sine, Cosine, Tangent, input angle is considered in radian units
- Length of the Number
- exponential i.e e(x)
- Factorial of a Number (try 3 digit numbers only) . Try 1000! on Google calculator it says infinite :)
- All expressions are evaluated according to their precedence.
- paranthesis '()' can be used which is having higher precedence.
- All the operations performed are stored in history.txt file, for future reference
- Clone the repository on your machine.
- Open Terminal and change directory to the project directory.
- Type command ' make ' which will compile the required files and generate executable file. (Linux/Mac recommended)
- Then type the command ' ./project '.
- Run
./project -h
to get a list of all operations that it can perform ./project <filename>
will take input from the file and output it on the terminal, example:./project test.txt
- An enter key on empty line exits the program
A Doubly Linked List of struct node with Head and tail pointer
For tokenizing the Input String, I had used Finite State Machine
Pull Requests are Welcomed, Giving A Star is appreciated