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sans 1878 research

Ricardo Garcia Silva edited this page Feb 1, 2022 · 4 revisions

SANS 1878 research

6.1. Metadata shall be provided for geographic datasets and may, optionally, also be provided for aggregations of datasets, features and attributes of features.

Core metadata elements

As described on Table2 - Core metadata for geographic datasets

Element Obligation and Condition Exists in stock CKAN Notes
Dataset title Mandatory Yes
Dataset reference date Mandatory No To be implemented
Dataset responsible party Mandatory Yes* Need to make it mandatory
Geographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or by geographic identifier) Mandatory No (As seen on Annex D - Creating the South African community profile)

To be implemented
Dataset language Mandatory No To be implemented
Dataset character set Mandatory No To be implemented
Dataset topic category Mandatory No To be implemented
Spatial resolution of the dataset Mandatory No (As seen on Annex D - Creating the South African community profile)

To be implemented
Abstract describing the dataset Mandatory Yes* Need to make it mandatory
Distribution format* Mandatory No To be implemented
Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical and temporal) Optional No
Spatial representation type Mandatory No (As seen on Annex D - Creating the South African community profile)<br /
To be implemented
Reference system Mandatory No (As seen on Annex D - Creating the South African community profile)

To be implemented
Lineage statement Mandatory No
On-line resource Conditional Yes
Metadata file identifier Mandatory Yes
Metadata standard name Conditional No To be implemented
Metadata standard version Conditional No To be implemented
Metadata language Mandatory No To be implemented
Metadata character set Mandatory No To be implemented
Metadata point of contact Mandatory Yes
Metadata date stamp Mandatory Yes

Additional elements

As found scattered throughout the SANS 1878 document

Name Obligation and condition Notes
hierarchyLevel Mandatory Unclear whether this should be implemented or not, as there is a question mark in the standard
referenceSystemInfo Mandatory
metadataMaintenance Optional
purpose Mandatory
acknowledgement Optional
status Mandatory
resourceMaintenance Optional
descriptiveKeywords Optional
resourceSpecificUsage Optional
graphicOverview Optional
resourceConstraints Optional These are the constraints applicable to the resource. Can be defined as either LegalConstraints or SecurityConstraints, or both
MetadataConstraints Optional These apply to the metadata. Can be defined as either LegalConstraints or SecurityConstraints, or both