is a terminal emulator, for everyday use.
- Available on all 3 major platforms, Windows, Linux, OS/X.
- Font Ligatures Support (such as in Fira Code).
- GPU-accelerated rendering.
- Blurred behind transparent background when using Windows 10 or KDE window manager on Linux.
The following is an incomplete list of features that contour does or will support.
- ✅ Available on all three major platforms (Linux, OS/X, Windows 10)
- ✅ Runtime configuration reload
- ✅ Font Ligatures Support (such as in Fira Code)
- ✅ GPU-accelerated rendering
- ✅ 256-color and Truecolor support
- ✅ Key binding customization
- ✅ Color Schemes
- ✅ Profiles (grouped customization of: color scheme, login shell, and related behaviours)
- ✅ Vertical Line Markers (quickly jump to markers in your history!)
- 🚧 Emoji support (-: 🌈 💝 😛 👪 :-)
- ⏳ Terminal Multiplexer Mode (like TMUX/screen) with a graphical as well as a text based frontend
- ⏳ History Search
- ⏳ Activity/Inactivity/Bell System Notification
- ⏳ Multiple Sessions, Windows, Tabs, Panes (like TMUX/screen)
- ⏳ Shell Integration (inspired by iTerm2)
- ⏳ Inline Images (inspired by iTerm2, conforming to their custom VT sequences for compatibility)
Suppose you type a lot in the terminal, and I bet you do. Some commands may have inconveniently long output and you need a way to conveniently scroll the terminal viewport up to the top of that command. This is what this feature is there for. You can easily walk up/down your markers like you'd walk up code folds or markers in VIM or other editors.
Set a mark:
echo -ne "\033[>M"
Example key bindings:
- { mods: [Alt, Shift], key: 'k', action: ScrollMarkUp }
- { mods: [Alt, Shift], key: 'j', action: ScrollMarkDown }
It is recommended to integrate the marker into your command prompt, such as $PS1
in bash or sh to
have automatic markers set.
Usage: contour [options]
Contour Terminal Emulator
-h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-c, --config <PATH> Path to configuration file to load at startup
-p, --profile <NAME> Terminal Profile to load.
word_delimiters: " /\\()\"'-.,:;<>~!@#$%^&*+=[]{}~?|│"
default_profile: ubuntu_vm
shell: "ssh ubuntu-vm"
columns: 130
lines: 30
TERM: xterm-256color
COLORTERM: truecolor
fontSize: 12
fontFamily: "Fira Code, Hack, Cascadia Code, Ubuntu Mono, Consolas, monospace"
tabWidth: 8
limit: 8000
scrollMultiplier: 3
autoScrollOnUpdate: true
shape: block
blinking: true
opacity: 0.9
blur: false
colors: google_dark
cursor: '#b0b030'
selection: '#30c0c0'
background: '#1d1f21'
foreground: '#c5c8c6'
black: '#1d1f21'
red: '#cc342b'
green: '#198844'
yellow: '#fba922'
blue: '#3971ed'
magenta: '#a36ac7'
cyan: '#3971ed'
white: '#c5c8c6'
black: '#969896'
red: '#cc342b'
green: '#198844'
yellow: '#fba922'
blue: '#3971ed'
magenta: '#a36ac7'
cyan: '#3971ed'
white: '#ffffff'
- { mods: [Alt], key: Enter, action: ToggleFullscreen }
- { mods: [Control, Alt], key: S, action: ScreenshotVT }
- { mods: [Control, Shift], key: Equal, action: IncreaseFontSize }
- { mods: [Control, Shift], key: Minus, action: DecreaseFontSize }
- { mods: [Control, Shift], key: N, action: NewTerminal }
- { mods: [Control], mouse: WheelUp, action: IncreaseFontSize }
- { mods: [Control], mouse: WheelDown, action: DecreaseFontSize }
- { mods: [Alt], mouse: WheelUp, action: IncreaseOpacity }
- { mods: [Alt], mouse: WheelDown, action: DecreaseOpacity }
- { mods: [Shift], mouse: WheelUp, action: ScrollPageUp }
- { mods: [Shift], mouse: WheelDown, action: ScrollPageDown }
- { mods: [], mouse: WheelUp, action: ScrollUp }
- { mods: [], mouse: WheelDown, action: ScrollDown }
- { mods: [Shift], key: UpArrow, action: ScrollOneUp }
- { mods: [Shift], key: DownArrow, action: ScrollOneDown }
- { mods: [Shift], key: PageUp, action: ScrollPageUp }
- { mods: [Shift], key: PageDown, action: ScrollPageDown }
- { mods: [Shift], key: Home, action: ScrollToTop }
- { mods: [Shift], key: End, action: ScrollToBottom }
- { mods: [Alt, Shift], key: 'k', action: ScrollMarkUp }
- { mods: [Alt, Shift], key: 'j', action: ScrollMarkDown }
file: "/path/to/contour.log"
parseErrors: true
invalidOutput: true
unsupportedOutput: true
rawInput: false
rawOutput: false
traceInput: false
traceOutput: false
This is tested on Ubuntu 19.04, but any recent Linux with latest C++17 compiler should do:
sudo apt install \
"g++-9" libfreetype6-dev qtbase5-dev libqt5gui5 extra-cmake-modules \
libfontconfig1-dev libharfbuzz-dev
To enable blur-behind feature on transparent background, you'll need the following packages:
sudo apt install libkf5windowsystem-dev
to cmake when configuring the project.
In case you want to improve performance slightly and run at at least Linux, you can add
to the cmake configuration and make sure to have libtbb-dev
installed beforehand.
For Windows, you must have Windows 10, 2018 Fall Creators Update, and Visual Studio 2019, installed. It will neither build nor run on any prior Windows OS, due to libterminal making use of ConPTY API.
vcpkg install freetype fontconfig glew glfw3 glm harfbuzz qt5-base
brew install freetype fontconfig glew glfw3 glm harfbuzz boost qt5
- VT510: VT510 Manual, see Chapter 5.
- ECMA-35: Character Code Structure and Extension Techniques
- ECMA-43: 8-bit Coded Character Set Structure and Rules
- ECMA-48: Control Functions for Coded Character Sets
- ISO/IEC 8613-6: Character content architectures
- xterm: xterm control sequences
- console_codes Linux console codes
- Summary of ANSI standards for ASCII terminals
- Text Terminal HOWTO (Chapter 7.2, PTY)