I am Kaung Min Khant, a full stack developer from Myanmar 😀. I do web development using React/NextJS, Vue, NodeJS, NestJS. My hobby? Write projects and chill! I learnt a lot of web development myself, so self-taught 😄. Sooo, what is my major then?🤔.... welllll, it is Electronics Engineering, but don't skip out on me!!, Please🥺?... You can check out some of my projects and what I can use, or at least familiar with, below. With Love ❤️, and keep on learning.
- ⚛️ ReactJS, NextJS
- 🖥️ Vue, HTML, CSS, JS
- 🗄️ NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS
- 🏗️ AWS
- 📦 Docker