The goal of PPP is to download and assemble a unified, cleaned data set of Paycheck Protection Program loans issued in 2020.
The data is too large to share on GitHub, but this package will allow you to recreate the data locally.
The work for this package grew out of a project with DataKind’s DC chapter and the National Press Foundation.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
# Note: this function will download over 600MB of data to your local machine,
# and read a large dataframe into memory!
ppp_data = ppp_assemble()
- Small Business Administration PPP Loan Data:
- NAICS code dictionaries US Census NAICS Files
Though there are two versions of the PPP data released, both will have
the same final structure as detailed below. The main structual
difference between these versions is the removal of a JobsRetained
variable, and the addition of JobsReported
. Whether or not this is a
simple semantic change is unknown at this point.
The final PPP dataset output by ppp_assemble()
will contain the
following columns:
variable | original | notes |
LoanRange | Yes | no values for loan amounts under 150K |
BusinessName | Yes | no values for loan amounts under 150K |
Address | Yes | no values for loan amounts under 150K |
City | Yes | |
State | Yes | |
Zip | Yes | |
NAICSCode | Yes | |
BusinessType | Yes | |
RaceEthnicity | Yes | 89.3% “Unanswered” |
Gender | Yes | 77.7% “Unanswered” |
Veteran | Yes | 84.7% “Unanswered” |
NonProfit | Yes | |
JobsRetained | Yes | only in 2020-07-06 release |
JobsReported | Yes | only in 2020-08-08 release |
DateApproved | Yes | |
Lender | Yes | |
CD | Yes | |
LoanAmount | Yes | no values for loan amounts over 150K |
source_file | No | file name for where data was pulled |
version | No | release date of PPP data |
LoanRange_Unified | No | Loan ranges regardless of amount |
JobsRetained_Grouped | No | brackets for # of ‘jobs retained’ |
JobsReported_Grouped | No | brackets for # of ‘jobs reported’ |
LoanRangeMin | No | minimum possible loan value |
LoanRangeMax | No | maximum possible loan value |
LoanRangeMid | No | middle estimated loan value |
naics_lvl_1 | No | Most general NAICS industry class |
naics_lvl_2 | No | Second level NAICS industry class |
naics_lvl_3 | No | Third level NAICS industry class |
naics_lvl_4 | No | Forth level NAICS industry class |
naics_lvl_5 | No | Most specific NAICS industry class |
NAICS_version | No | version of NAICS where code was found |
NAICS_valid | No | was NAICS code matched? |