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Easily snipe best ranked NFTs!

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S◎LSniperNFT allows you to easily see the ranks of the NFTs directly on your favorite Marketplaces.

solsnipernft png

🔥 Features

  • Show ranks from howrare and moonrank on supported marketplaces.
    • Howrare own ranking system more info here
    • Moonrank supports one type of ranking and this is calculated using statistical ranking system.

📖 Extension Settings

  • The extension pop-up allows you to :
    • Enable/Disable ranks to be shown.

    • Enter your own thresholds and colors for colouring ranks. Settings png

    • Open the popup in a new tab.

    • Clear Cached Ranks Page:

      • Added option to clear the rankings.
      • Now in the popup you can go to the Ranks page and delete the collection you don't see that often or you added a new mapping for it and you want to refresh the ranks on the next page load. Ranks png
    • Enter your own mappings. On mappings page you can enter your own mappings to make sure that we find the rankings. The names can be found at the end of the urls:

💻 How to install on Firefox

💻 How to install on Chrome

Currently unpublished until a new version will be approved. Currently it is pending review.

💻 How to install unpacked extension on Chrome, Brave, Edge, Opera V2.0 (NEW)

  • Download the Release 2.4.5 zip file , unzip it, and load the unziped folder into your browser.
  • Link here

🏦 Supported Marketplaces

Marketplace Status
Raydium Marketplace

📊 Supported Ranking Sites

Ranking Site Status

💻 Supported Browsers

Browser Status Working Version
Chrome 2.4.5
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Brave 2.4.5
Microsoft Edge 2.4.5

🛎️ Issues

  • Check latest release notes. Also please let me know if you find other issues that are not mentioned there.

📈 Future developments

  • Add more mappings to the application (This is something that will be done periodically)

  • Add other marketplaces and ranking sites

  • Please let me know any of your wishes

🎯 Release History

  • 1.0 Initial Version

  • 1.2 Release info:

    • Fixed bugs:
      • Issue with extension icon.
  • 1.3 Release info:

    • New changes/ added features:
      • Thresholds - now you can set your own thresholds for colouring and choose your own colors.
      • When you enable/disable ranks the changes are reflected immediatly in the UI.
      • Added mappings for collections that can be seen on howrare and don't follow a predictable pattern
      • Removed column for Moonrank in Mappings page as this is not needed from now on.
    • Fixed bugs:
      • Issue with magiceden when you switch to Activity tab and come back the ranks were not shown.
      • Issue with magiceden when you go into detail page and come back the ranks were not shown.
  • 1.4 Release info:

    • Fixed bugs:
      • Issue with getting collection name when we have no mappings for a marketplace.
      • Issue with alphart when getting collection name while filtering.
    • Improved the performance of extension. - Now we save the ranks for the NFTs you see in the local storage so when you visit it next time it will be shown faster. Also we don't make a lot of requests to ranking sites anymore.
    • Improved the layout of rankings. (Still some improvements to be done)
      • Made the ranks to be links that will redirect you to the ranking page.
        • NOTE: On you have to right click on the rank and click on open in new tab.
  • 1.5 Release info:

    • Fixed bugs:

      • Issue with adding new ranks when collection it's not initialized.
        • Issue with setting multiple mappings.
          • Now you are able to open the popup in a new tab and you will be able to insert multiple mappings.
        • Fixed issues with Naked meerkat and Meerkat Millionaire collection when I get rank from howrare.
          • Now also the NFTs with leading zero in the number will be fetched.
      • Fixed issue with clicking on ranks for alpahart, now you can directly click on them and it will get you to the ranking page directly.
    • New changes/ added features:

      • Added new marketplaces: - -
        • Removed statistical rating and normalized traits from howrare (ST, NT) based on user feedback.
    • Added special mapping for Turtles collection. Now you can see ranks from howrare for turtles too. NOTE: Some turtles don't have ranks on howrare and moonrank (Boring Turtle, Zapi), if you find them please let me know and i will add them.

    • Added button in the popup to open it in a new page

    • Clear Cached Ranks Page:

      • Added option to clear the rankings.
      • Now in the popup you can go to the Ranks page and delete the collection you don't see that often or you added a new mapping for it and you want to refresh the ranks on the next page load.
    • Implemented a rate limiter for the requests sent to ranking providers and a sleep and retry process to fetch the ranks after the temporary block ends.

    • Added code (NF) to inform user to check for mappings.

      • If you see "NF" instead of ranking it means that the rankings are not found.
        • There can be 3 reasons for this :

          1. The rankings are not provided but this ranking provider.
          2. You need to add mappings for this new collection. NOTE: After you add a new mapping please refresh the page, to request new rankings. (See Clear Cached Ranks)
          3. There is a bug with the extension, if you checked that the collection is supported by the ranking provider you have added mappings for it and you still have the issue.Then please contact me (via discord or twitter) and I will try to help you.
        • If you see the loading icon, please wait until the requests are finished. It should take a few seconds. Currently when you try to look at too many NFTs (60 or more in 2-3 seconds by scrolling quickly).it will send all the request to ranking providers.

          Some of them may have limits in place for the amount of requests someone can do, for this reason they may temporarily restrict yuur access to their website for a few seconds.

          But no worries the extension will try to get the rankings again after the temporary ban is lifted, so don't worry and just wait a few and the rankings will show up.

NOTE: To ensure the best experience I advise you to scroll slowly to avoid sending too many requests in a short amount of time.

  • 1.6 Release info:

  • Fixed bugs:

    • Issue with solanart when you are in extended view mode. The ranks are shown now in all view modes.
    • Howrare changed their interface so code changes were needed to get rankings from new interface.
    • Issue with Moonrank ranks when filtering for Tower collection.
    • Added Solslugs as exception because howrare does not use leading zeros.
    • Implemented a request queue so that we don't hit howrare request limit. The request will be delayed so that we don't make more than 60 request per minute. They have said that they will release an API soon, will see then if it will be possible to improve this.
  • Known issues:

  • Sometimes for solanart moonrank hourglass can remain spinning for random NFTs, this only happens for a few and should get it if you refresh the page.

  • Exchange art is buggy and requires some refreshes to be done when rankings are blocked loading.

  • 1.7 Release info:

  • Fixed bugs:

    -Fixed issue with saving the mappings and thresholds to local storage. -Fixed small issue with alphart footer and searching -Fixed issue with not checking again for moonrank rankings, if first time we check the ranks are not found. Now the extension will check again if more than 5 minutes have past since last time we checked. -Fixed issue for solanart when moonrank hourglass can remain spinning for random NFTs

  • Changes:

    -Switched to Howrare API. -Added Quick buy button for MagicEden and Solanart. -Fixed some layout and performance issues with Solanart.

  • Known issues:

    -Exchange art is buggy and i removed it for now. Will work on it and try to bring it back asap.

  • 1.8 Release info:

  • Fixed bugs:

    -Fixed issues with Now the rankings should be shown again. -Fixed issues on Firefox with loading ranks, previous version was buggy. -Completely switched to Howrare API and improved performance from previous release. -Fixed some layout issue with Quick buy button. -Fixed small issue with not updating the colour of ranks when we change the threshold. -Added size in MB on Ranks page so you can see how much space ranks occupy on your system.

  • Known issues:

    -Exchange art on Firefox fails sometimes for Howrare rankings. Will have to check why. -Collections : CryptoCribs, Solsteads Surreal Estate are currently not working with this extension. Reason for this is that a special mapping will be required for it to work. Will be looking into it and see how I can integrate these too.

  • 1.8.1 Release info:

  • Features:

    • Added option in Pop up Settings to disable or enable Quick Buy button.

Still using Manifest V2 until here.

Manifest V3 from here on for Chrome, Brave, Edge, Opera.

  • 2.0 Release info:

  • Features:

    • Added option in Pop up Settings to disable or enable Quick Buy button.
    • Added Raydium Marketplace, now you can also see rankings there. For this the mapping from Magiceden will be taken so no need for additional mapping.
  • Changes:

    • Switched to using Manifest V3 and Service Workers. This should help have speedier reviews from chrome and also improve the performance.
    • Improved the way the extension stores the data, still work in progress.
    • Got rid of using localstorage so now all the data is stored in the indexedDB. One of the reasons is the storage limitations, not a lot of data is allowed to be stored in a single item. With previous approach there were issues with quickly recognising data mismatch, this caused an issue with loading ranks and it could have taken up to 5 minutes to recognise it and fetch the data again if necessary.
    • Added extra safety measures to make sure that Quick Buy is only triggered when it should.
    • Implemented also cleanup of the old stored data. This should prevent issue with saved settings.
  • Known issues:

    • Unfortunately Firefox does not support Manifest V3 yet so you will not be able to manually import this extension there.
  • 2.1 Release info:

  • Issues Fixed:

    • Issue with Magiceden breaking due to a bug in the way ranks are stored in the browser storage. The browser can still get slow if you view a lot of large collections, because all rankings are requested at once for Howrare. When this happens you can delete all rankings from the pop up page.

    • Quick Buy not working due to button class changes.

  • Changes:

    • Made Quick Buy button disabled by default.
  • Known issues:
    • Unfortunately Firefox does not support Manifest V3 yet so you will not be able to manually import this extension there.
    • Settings, Mappings and Rankings are lost once you close the browser.
    • Solanart changed the UI so the current version is not working.
  • 2.2 Release info:

  • Issues Fixed:

    • Issue with Magiceden breaking due to a bug in the way ranks are stored in the browser storage. Please test it out and get back to me if you still have issues.
    • Fixed issue with not showing howrare ranks and quick buy button when refreshing ME and Raydium page qucikly
    • Made changes to support Solanart new UI.
  • Known issues:
    • Unfortunately Firefox does not support Manifest V3 yet so you will not be able to manually import this extension there.
    • Solanart changed the UI so the quick buy button may fail to trigger sometimes. Will work on fixing it.
    • Sometimes your mappings and settings still get lost
    • Background service worker gets deactivated and only it is only reactivated on page load. This causes the rankings to stop loading randomly, while you were browsing a collection.
  • 2.3 Release info:

  • Issues Fixed:

    • Fixed issue with settings, mapping and threshilds reset. If you stil have issues please open a ticket in Discord and I can have a look.
    • Further improved the performance, by storing all data only to the Background db.
    • Made sure that background service worker gets activated when we need it. This caused the rankings to stop loading randomly, while you were browsing a collection. Still need to test this more to see if it breaks. If you get the issue that the rankings are not loaded please open a ticket.
    • Made further changes to makee sure that rankings are always shown when you switch between views oon ME.
  • Known issues:
    • Unfortunately Firefox does not support Manifest V3 yet so you will not be able to manually import this extension there.
    • Solanart changed the UI so the quick buy button may fail to trigger sometimes. Will work on fixing it.
  • 2.4 Release info:

  • Small changes:

    • Added welcome page so people can easily find the Discord link and Twitter page.
    • Added ranks on NFT detail page for ME and Raydium, will implement this next for the other marketplaces too. You can also see the ranks when you are listing your NFT so you can see it before listing.
  • Known issues:
    • Unfortunately Firefox does not support Manifest V3 yet so you will not be able to manually import this extension there.
    • Solanart changed the UI so the quick buy button may fail to trigger sometimes. Will work on fixing it.
    • Ranks not shown correctly for collections that don't have numbered NFTs.
  • 2.4.1 Release info:

  • Changes:

    • Added support for Opensea.
    • Removed
  • Issues fixed

    • Solanart changed UI so the ranks are not shown.
  • Known issues:
    • Unfortunately Firefox does not support Manifest V3 yet so you will not be able to manually import this extension there.
    • Solanart changed the UI so the quick buy button may fail to trigger sometimes. Will work on fixing it.
    • Ranks not shown correctly for collections that don't have numbered NFTs .
  • 2.4.2 Release info:

  • Changes:

    • Added Moonrank provisional rankings.
    • Removed
  • Issues fixed

    • Fixed issue with showing Quick buy button on ME after new Ui update.
    • Fixed issue with Solanart Quick buy button.
  • Known issues:
    • Unfortunately Firefox does not support Manifest V3 yet so you will not be able to manually import this extension there.
    • Ranks not shown correctly for collections that don't have numbered NFTs .
  • 2.4.3 Release info:

  • Changes:

    • Added ranking to wallet view on Magiceden and Raydium.
    • Added ranking on activity page of Magiceden and Raydium.
    • Switched to the new API from Howrare which doesn't contain attributes and description.
  • Issues fixed

    • Ranks not shown correctly for collections that don't have numbered NFTs.
  • Known issues:
    • Unfortunately Firefox does not support Manifest V3 yet so you will not be able to manually import this extension there.
  • 2.4.4 Release info:

  • Changes:

    • Disabled Quick buy button and will be removed in the final release.
  • Issues fixed

    • Ranks not shown correctly for collections on magiceden.
    • Ranks not shown on detail page.
    • Switched to new howrare api.
  • Known issues:
    • Solanart disabled for the moment.
  • 2.4.5 Release info:

  • Issues fixed

    • Ranks in wallet view not shown when you switch tabs on Magiceden and Raydium.
    • Issues with thresholds which also caused infinite loop for loading ranks in the previous release.
    • Implemented all fixes on Raydium too.
  • Known issues:
    • Solanart disabled for the moment.