Bombcell works with units recorded with Neuropixel probes (3A, 1.0 and 2.0, recorded with SpikeGLX or OpenEphys) and spike-sorted with kilosort. It classifies the unit into three categories: single units, multi-units and noise units, with an option to keep or remove non-somatic spikes. param
is the structure that defines how to compute the quality metrics and which thresholds to use to classify units.
Not yet published. Please cite xxx.
Preliminary versions of bombcell were used in:
Peters et al., Nature, 2021 to define real, well isolated striatal units and classify them into MSNs, FSIs and TANs. See the script
(work in progress) to classify striatal cells in the same way. -
Peters et al., Cell Reports, 2022 to to define real, well isolated pre-frontal cortex units.
Table of contents:
- Getting started
- Quality metrics guide
- Quality metrics GUI guide
- Ephys properties guide
- Recommended pre-processing
- Dependancies
- Other ephys utilities
Clone the bombcell_1.0_stable repository and the dependancies. The script bc_qualityMetrics_pipeline
provides an example workflow.
To start out, we suggest you compute quality metrics with default param
values (contained in bc_qualityParamValues
), and then adjust the thresholds for your particular neuronal region and needs by looking at (1) individual units, in the interactive GUI (2) distribution histograms of the units' quality metrics (see General plots), (3) numbers of units removed by each quality metric. It may also be useful to plot the quantity you which to measure as a function of each quality metric (see Fig. 2 Harris et al., Nat. Neuro, 2016).
If you want to compute ephys properties, change your working directory to bombcell\ephysProperties\helpers
in matlab and run mex -O CCGHeart.c
to able to compute fast ACGs.
If you have z-lib compressed ephys data, compressed with mtscomp, you will additionally need the zmat toolbox.
Bombcell has been written to be as user-friendly as possible. If you run into any issues or have suggestions, please raise a github issue or email us.
In order to avoid possible conflicts, all bombcell functions are preceded by bc_
Bombcell is organized around two main matlab structures: qMetrics
and param
is a structure generated by thebc_runAllQualityMetrics
function. Its fields are different quality metrics, and each field contains a quality metric value for each unit.param
is a structure generated by the functionbc_qualityParamValues
and it contains parameters both to compute quality metrics withbc_runAllQualityMetrics
and to then classify cells withbc_getQualityUnitType
We have added automatic plotting function at each step, in order to aid in trouble-shooting and evaluating bombcells' output:
param.plotGlobal = 1
to plot summary of the noise units' waveforms compared to single multi-units, distribution histograms of the units' quality metrics and numbers of units removed by each quality metric. See the detailed overview of global output plots section for examples of these plots. -
param.plotThis = 1
to plot figures for each quality metric and for each cell (plot examples displayed below). This generates a considerable amout of plots. We suggest you only use when de-bugging or to generate example cell plots. See the detailed overview of the quality metrics section for examples of these plots.
In addition, bombcells' GUI allows you to flip through cells and their quality metrics. This is useful in evaluating where to set your quality metric classification thresholds and checking how bombcell behaves. See the quality metrics GUI guide section for more information.
All bombcell outputs are saved in the ONE format, in .npy
or .parquet
files. .npy
files can be read in matlab using the npy-matlab toolbox, and .parquet
files can be read in matlab using the built-in readparquet function.
The following files are outputed by bombcell:
- _bc_parameters._bc_qMetrics.parquet
- templates._bc_fractionRefractoryPeriodViolationsPerTauR.parquet
- templates._bc_qMetrics.parquet
- templates._bc_rawWaveforms.npy
- templates._bc_rawWaveformPeakChannels.npy
- templates._bc_baselineNoiseAmplitude.npy
- templates._bc_baselineNoiseAmplitudeIndex.npy
- (optional, if
is set to true) 'Unit$CLUSTER_ID$_RawSpikes.npy'
These saved files can be retrieved with the function [param, qMetric] = bc_loadSavedMetrics(savePath)
Additionally, optionally if param.saveMatFileForGUI
is set to true, bombcell saves a templates.qualityMetricDetailsforGUI.mat file containing various data needed for bombcells GUI. This data can also be loaded using the function bc_loadMetricsForGUI
Load ephys data, eg:
[spikeTimes_samples, spikeTemplates, templateWaveforms, templateAmplitudes, pcFeatures, pcFeatureIdx, channelPositions] = bc_loadEphysData(ephysKilosortPath)
Run all quality metrics and clasify cells with the function
, eg:[qMetric, unitType] = bc_runAllQualityMetrics(param, spikeTimes_samples, spikeTemplates, templateWaveforms, templateAmplitudes, pcFeatures, pcFeatureIdx, channelPositions, savePath)
Look at global output plots and flip through cells with the GUI:
unitQualityGuiHandle = bc_unitQualityGUI(memMapData, ephysData, qMetric, forGUI, rawWaveforms, param, probeLocation, unitType, loadRawTraces)
Refine classification based on step 4: choose quality metric thresholds
Depending on your settings, bombcell takes between 2' and 35' for a typical 1 hour long neuropixels recording. The running time varies according to three main parameters:
- if this is the first run, raw waveforms are extracted from your raw .bin or .dat ephys file. These are then saved in two .npy files. Subsequent runs load in the already extracted waveforms and thus take ~10-15' less. Initial running time increases or decreases as the number of spikes extracted per unit, defined by
, increases or decreases. - if
is true, drift is computed. This can add ~10' per run, and is disabled by default. - if
is true, several distance metrics are computed. This can add ~10' per run. Distance metrics are susceptible to probe drift, and correlate well with a units raw waveform amplitude. As a result, we suggest using a units amplitude instead of distance metrics and this parameter is diabled by default.
- Somatic waveforms are defined as waveforms where the largest trough precedes the largest peak (Deligkaris, Bullmann & Frey, 2016).
- Noise units are classified as noise if any of the following are true
- the number of peaks or troughs detected in the max channel template waveform for the unit exceeds the defined thresholds :
. - the baseline of the max channel template waveform for the unit is not flat (exceeds the defined threshold
). - the slope template waveform spatial decay is above a defined threshold
- the number of peaks or troughs detected in the max channel template waveform for the unit exceeds the defined thresholds :
After classifying noise units, the remaining units are classifyed as good single units if the criteria below are met. They are classifying as multi-units otherwise.
the estimated percentage of spikes missing is below the
The percent of spikes missing (false negatives) is estimated by fitting a gaussian the distribution of amplitudes, with a cutoff parameter. This assumes the spike amplitudes follow a gaussian distribution, which is not strictly true for bursty cells, like MSNs. Optionally, if
is true, the recording is split in time chunks of sizeparam.deltaTimeChunk
, and the percentage of spikes missing is estimated seperately on these time chunks. Then, only the time chunks with a percent of spikes missing below the threshold are kept, and the rest of the quality metrics are computed on these epochs. This can be of use in cases where there is a lot of drift during the recording.Below: example of unit with many spikes below the detection threshold in the first two time chunks of the recording.
number of spikes is above
Below a certain amount of spikes, ephys properties like ACGs will not be reliable. A good minimum to use is 300 empirically, because Kilosort2 does not attempt to split any clusters that have less than 300 spikes in the post-processing phase.
the estimated percent of refractory period violations is below
The fraction of refractory period violations (false positives) is estimated using r = 2*(tauR - tauC) * N^2 * (1-Fp) * Fp / T , solving for Fp, with tauR the refractory period, tauC the censored period, T the total experiment duration, r the number of refractory period violations, Fp the fraction of contamination. method from Hill et al., J. Neuro, 2011.
Below: examples of a unit with a small fraction of refractory period violations (left) and one with a large fraction (right).
the raw mean waveform maximum amplitude is above
Units with low amplitude are noisy, further away units, that are more likely to be MUA.
Below: examples of a unit with high amplitude (blue) and one with low amplitude (red).
distance metrics are above
for the isolation distance,param.lratioMin
for l-ratio,param.ssMin
for the silhouette scoreDisabled by default. This is if the most time-consuming part of the script. See Harris et al., Neuron, 2001 for more information on isolation distance, (see Schmitzer-Torbert and Redish, 2004) for more information on l-ratio and (see Rousseeuw, 1987 for more information on silhouette-score.
Below: examples of a unit with high isolation distance (left) and one with low isolation distance (right).
If param.plotGlobal
is set to true, after computing quality metrics, the script will output 3 summary plots :
a Euler diagram of the number of units classifyed as noise/multi-unit with each quality metric. Numbers in the circles indicate the number of units classifying as noise/multi-unit by that quality metric/intersection of quality metrics.
for each a quality metric, a histogram of the distribution of values for all units. The red lines indicate classification thresholds.
template waveforms for each unit classiyed as good, multi-unit and noise, overlaid on top of each other. This is a quick way of checking there is no odd, noisy unit that has mistakenly been classifyed as either good or multi-unit.
Plot a GUI to flip through the quality metrics for each cell with the function bc_unitQualityGUI
bc_unitQualityGUI(memMapData, ephysData, qMetrics, param, probeLocation, unitType, plotRaw)
Toggle units by using the → and ← keys. Pressing g, m, n brings you to the next good, multi-unit or noise unit, respectively. Press u to select a particular unit. Navigate in time through the raw data to see this units' individual spikes with the ↑ and ↓ keys.
Unit location view
This view plots the depth of each unit on the probe in y, and it's log-normalized firing rate in x. Single units are plotted in green, multi-units in indigo and noise in red. The current unit is plotted larger and circled in black.
Template waveform view
This view plots the template waveforms for the current unit. The maximum waveform is in blue, and detected peaks are overlaid.
Raw waveform view
This view plots the mean raw waveforms for the current unit. The maximum waveform is in blue, and detected peaks are overlaid.
ACG view
This view plots the auto-correlogram (ACG) for the current unit. The horizontal red line indicates the ACG asymptote, which corresponds to the unit's firing rate. The vertical red line plot the refractory period location.
ISI view
This view plots the inter-spike-intervals (ISI) for the current unit. The vertical red line plot the refractory period location.
Isolation distance view
Raw waveform view
Plots the raw data in black, with detected spikes for this unit in blue.
Amplitude view
This view plots the scaling factor applied to each spike by kilosort in black. Spikes currently displayed in the raw data view are shown in blue, and spikes that have an ISI < refractory period threshold are shown in purple.
work in progress
striatal cells
GPe cells
cortical cells
To reduce the noise units you obtain, we recommend recording with either both a ground wire and reference wire going from the probe to the mouse, or with a ground wire and the internal reference (if using probes other than the 3A - the internal reference on these doesn't work well). To remove artefacts from your recorded data, either temporally align your channels with each other and common-average reference your data with Bill Karsh's function CatGT
, before feeding this data into kilosort or use pyKilosort, where this is implemented.
To maximize your number of single good units, we recommend looking at your raw data and spikes detected by kilosort, to assess whether most spikes are being detected. If not, consider lowering kilosort's detection thresholds.
- (to load .npy data in)
generate IMRO files/channel maps : see recordingUtilities
quality metric plugins for phy : see phyPlugins
decompress data z-lib compressed with mtscomp : see decompressData. Requires the zmat toolbox