This is basically a NTP dual clock (local time and UTC) running on NodeMCU ESP8266 with Adafruit compatible 1.8" TFT SPI display.
- NodeMCU ESP8266 - or equivalent.
- 1.8" TFT SPI Display - or equivalent.
- Breadboard - or equivalent.
- Jumpers - or equivalent.
Display | NodeMCU
VCC <---> 5V or 3.3V
GND <---> GND
CS <---> GPIO 0
A0/DC <---> GPIO 4
SDA/MOSI <---> GPIO 13
SCK/SCLK <---> GPIO 14
LED/BL <---> GPIO 5
On some Adafruit compatible 1.8" TFT SPI display, RESET is RST, A0 is DC, SDA is MOSI, SCK is SCLK and LED is BL. So pay attention to your wiring, double check before powering up the device.
Upon start up the WiFiManager kicks in. If a saved WiFi configuration found it will configure NodeMCU as a WiFi Station (STA) and connect to the WiFi Access Point that is configured in the saved configuration. Otherwise it will configure NodeMCU as an Access Point (AP) with SSID: "ntpDualClock" and spawn a web page (WiFiManager portal) with IP address: that you can connect to and configure using web browser on your PC or Smartphone.
Once the WiFi has been configured and connected to the internet, it will switch back to Station (STA) mode and start the clock.
Once connected to the internet, it will start to synchronize and fetch the unix epoch from the configured NTP server. You do not need to manually adjust the date and time.
NTP sync status is displayed on the right inside the lower frame as shown in the above picture.
NTP is displayed in green indicates it is good and synced in the last 1 hour.
NTP is displayed in yellow indicates it is synced in the last 1 - 24 hour.
NTP is displayed in red indicates it is stale or out of sync.