Creates mountable Rails engines to serve the actual APIs defined in your Swagger spec files.
What it does:
- Automatically routes API endpoints based on your Swagger spec files
- Automatically validates request parameters using JSON Schema before they are passed to controller actions
- Allows multiple spec files to be mounted
- Supports JSON spec files
- Supports YAML spec files
Add this line to your application's Gemfile then execute bundle install
gem 'rails-swagger'
Simply mount your swagger files within your routing tree...
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# Mounts on /v1 with a controller prefix of Api::V1::
mount Rails::Swagger::Engine("Api::V1", "path/to/swagger_api_v1.json"), at: :v1, as: :v1
# Mounts on /pet_store with a controller prefix of PetStore::
mount Rails::Swagger::Engine("PetStore", "path/to/petstore.yaml"), at: :pet_store, as: :pet_store
Verify that your routes are loaded...
$ rake routes
And ensure that your controllers include the module that rails-swagger
generates for you:
class PetStore::PetsController < ApplicationController
include PetStore::SwaggerController
class Api::V1::Nested::ExampleController < ApplicationController
include Api::V1::SwaggerController
Unless you've used something like Sequel before, the syntactic sugar of how engines are defined may look strange at first glance.
Under the hood, those engines are actually created via a method call that returns a newly-created subclass. Rails::Swagger:Engine
is not a class, but simply a method that returns one.
A method that takes two arguments. The first represents the namespace that will be used to prefix everything related to this engine. This includes any controllers used by the engine, the SwaggerController
helper module, and the engine itself.
The second argument is the path to the swagger spec file to route from. This gem utilizes RESTful routing conventions and assumes your controllers / actions will be named accordingly.
A module that is defined when Rails::Swagger#Engine
is invoked. It should be included in every controller that handles routes managed by rails-swagger
. Please note that an instance of this module is created for every swagger spec file that is mounted.
Pull requests are welcome!