Simple CLI utility to ensure that a base set of issue labels are configured in one or more GitHub repositories.
After cloning the repo install the necessary dependencies
npm install
and build the typescript code
npm run build
Once the code has been built we can run the tool either using directly nodejs command
node . --help
Usage: [-t github_token --dry-run] GITHUB_REPO [GITHUB_REPOS...]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-t, --token Github token used for authentication [string]
--dry-run Dry-run will output a json file per repo describing the actions
that would have been taken [boolean] [default: false]
or using the npm script
npm run cli -- --help
> [email protected] cli
> node . "--help"
Usage: [-t github_token --dry-run] GITHUB_REPO [GITHUB_REPOS...]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-t, --token Github token used for authentication [string]
--dry-run Dry-run will output a json file per repo describing the actions
that would have been taken [boolean] [default: false]
Note: the --
is used to separate the arguments to pass to the script being run from the npm args.
The purpose of this tool is to ensure that a minimum set of issue labels is configured consistenly in one or more GitHUb repositories. The set of labels that will be configured along with a set of aliases to match existing issue labels are defined in config.json
Passing a token we can check and fix issue labels on multiple repositories, for example:
node . -t <github token> keptn-contrib/prometheus-service keptn-contrib/job-executor-service keptn-contrib/argo-service keptn-sandbox/keptn-service-template-go keptn-sandbox/keptn-jenkins-library keptn-sandbox/keptn-azure-devops-extension
It's possible to specify a dry-run to generate a json file for each of the specified repositories containing the changes that would be performed, for example:
node . --dry-run keptn-contrib/prometheus-service
The tool can be added to your current nodejs installation by executing:
npm install --global .
so that it's possible to execute this tool from anywhere, for example:
npm install --global .
added 1 package, and audited 3 packages in 1s
found 0 vulnerabilities
gh-label-sync --help
Usage: [-t github_token --dry-run] GITHUB_REPO [GITHUB_REPOS...]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-t, --token Github token used for authentication [string]
--dry-run Dry-run will output a json file per repo describing the actions
that would have been taken [boolean] [default: false]
To uninstall simply execute
npm uninstall --global gh-label-sync