R package for parsing Farm Credit Administration (“FCA”) Call Report data into tidy R data frames.
You can install {fcall} from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
FCA publishes Call Report data on a quarterly basis at https://www.fca.gov/bank-oversight/call-report-data-for-download.
As of September 2023, this data represents a set of 72 .TXT files. These files represent 36 datasets. The files prefixed with “D_” contain metadata (the column names, data types, etc.) of the associated file containing the raw, header-less comma-separated data. For example, the file that starts with “D_INST” contains the metadata for the file that starts with “INST_”.
Further, some of these datasets are structured in a way that makes data analysis difficult. In these cases, we chose to pivot the data to make it more analysis-friendly. See Metadata File Scenarios for a more in-depth discussion of when and how this pivoting took place.
This package provides 3 utility functions:
allows users to programmatically download (and unzip) data from a specific quarterprocess_data()
parses the data from these unzipped .TXT files into a list of R data frames containing the Call Report data and file metadatacompare_metadata()
compares two sets of Call Report data from different quarters
Check out the Getting Started vignette to learn more about these three core functions.
Ketchbrook Analytics has also
created a PostgreSQL database to store historical FCA Call Report data
in a traditional, relational schema that aligns with the output data
frame structure resulting from running process_data()
. This database
allows users to execute SQL queries to easily analyze Call Report data
across multiple quarters.
Please reach out to [email protected] if you would like access to this database.