idrk what i'm supposed to do here but..
Bushy is a program i made for myself to make things easier for me... For example tasks such as searching, changing gnome themes and enabling/disabling extensions and so.
i think u know what i am trying to say...
Mostly it only works for gnome, but i think other than theme management things will work on other DEs too... I Think
git clone
cd bushy
You can install these for any distro with the default package manager
- just do
$ npm i
- No idea
There are various sub-commands and it's kind of tiring to write them all down but i will anyways... if i remember correctly...
Listing themes:
./ theme list
Listing all available themes:
./ theme list all
Listing all available icon themes
./ theme list icons
Setting themes:
./ theme set [ThemeName]
Setting specific themes:
./ theme set shell=[ThemeName],legacy=[ThemeName],icons=[IconThemeName],bg=/path/to/bg
Adding the current Shell, Application and Icon themes to data.json as a template:
./ theme mk [ThemeName]
Optionally save wallpaper as well:
./ theme mk [ThemeName] yes
./ theme rm [ThemeName]
To fk up(Randomize themes):
./ theme rand
Also i think there is a GUI
./ theme gui
This sub command lets you save your current enabled extensions as a template... idk how to explain i hope u get it
./ desk set [SetUpName]
./ desk save [SetUpName] [ThemeName]
[ThemeName] here should be a valid theme from bushy themes.
./ desk list
This is actually independent, you can use it to quickly(i think) search files... i guess... i'm sorry i'm just not good at explaining...
./ find -p [filePath] -f [StringToFind]
to search inside text files
./ find -p [filePath] -f [StringToFind] -c
And well that's just it, good luck. try not to fk up