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kevin edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 1 revision

The Widget is the base class for all GUI components in GUILIB. It provides a set of common methods and functionalities that are inherited by other widgets.


constructor(options: object)

Create a new Widget with the specified options.


Option Type Description
element object (optional) The HTML element options for the widget.
class string (optional) Additional CSS classes to be applied to the widget.
style object (optional) CSS styles to be applied to the widget.
position object (optional) Positioning options for the widget.
size object (optional) Size options for the widget.
private boolean (optional) Set to true to make the widget private (cannot be modified).
reset boolean (optional) Set to true to reset the widget's properties.
value any (optional) The initial value of the widget.
children array (optional) An array of child widgets to be added to the widget.
accepts boolean (optional) Set to false to prevent adding child widgets.
events object (optional) Event handlers for the widget.
type string or array (optional) Set the type of the widget.


Method Description
set(options: object) Update the options of the widget.
on(event: string, callback: function) Add an event listener to the widget.
off(event: string, callback: function) Remove an event listener from the widget.
emit(event: string, data: any) Trigger a custom event on the widget.
hide(time: number) Hide the widget with an optional animation duration.
show(time: number) Show the widget with an optional animation duration.
toggle(time: number) Toggle the visibility of the widget with an optional animation duration.
raw() Get the raw HTML element of the widget.
stripElement() Remove the GUIWIDGET association from the widget's HTML element.

Static Methods

Method Description
from(raw: string) Create a new widget from a raw HTML string.
html(widget: Widget) Get the outerHTML of the widget's HTML element.

onEvent Option

The onEvent option allows you to define event handlers for the widget. If you specify an event with the on prefix in the options, it will automatically be treated as an event handler. The onEvents option enables you to bind functions to specific events that occur on the widget.

For example, suppose you want to add an onClick event to a widget that logs a message when clicked:

new Widget({
    onClick() {

In this case, when the widget is clicked, the onClick event handler will be triggered, and the message 'yeehaw' will be logged to the console.

Using onEvent simplifies the process of handling events for the widget, providing a clean and concise way to manage event interactions in your application.

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