Kevinrodbe's dotfiles ✌
My personal dotfiles and configuration for Ubuntu. You're welcome to make suggestions.
1.- Clone it wherever you want (I like to keep it in ~/home/MyUser/projects
), and cd
into local dotfiles repository 🐑
git clone dotfiles && cd dotfiles
Or download it without Git (downloaded in home directory: ~/dotfiles
) ⬇
cd ~ && mkdir dotfiles && cd dotfiles && curl -#L | tar -xzv --strip-components 1 --exclude={.gitignore,.gitattributes,.git-ftp-ignore}
2.- Edit these files with your personal data (email, pc-name, git account, etc) and replace them in your pc ✏
- config/.gitconfig
- config/.zshrc
- config/
- bash/
- bash/
3.- Run installer 🏃
4.- Restart and enjoy it! 🙌
Don't forget to copy config/kevinrodbe.zsh-theme
into ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes
- Current working folder
- Git branch
- Git status
—— Clean branch🔥
—— Dirty branch+
—— Added files-
—— Deleted files*
—— Modified files>
—— Renamed files=
—— Unmerged changes?
—— Untracked changes