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210 gencorgen with varying cluster sizes
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kgoldfeld authored Jun 10, 2024
2 parents ff26538 + 053b84b commit e153754
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Showing 6 changed files with 185 additions and 64 deletions.
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions
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@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
# simstudy (development version)

## New features
* Added the ability to generate data from a empirical distribution by using new functions `genDataDensity` and `addDataDensity`.

## Minor fix
* `addCorGen` no longer requires all clusters to have the same size when using the *rho* and *corstr* arguments to define the correlation.

# simstudy 0.8.0

## New features
* added the option to specify a customized distribution in `defData` and `defDataAdd` by
* Added the option to specify a customized distribution in `defData` and `defDataAdd` by
specifying `dist = "custom"`.
*`addPeriods` now includes a new argument `periodVec` that allows users to designate
specific measurement time periods using vector.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,7 +45,7 @@ distribution in `defData` and `defDataAdd`.
* Improved the random effect variance generation for function `iccRE` under the
Poisson distribution. The current approach is based on the 2013 paper by
Nakagawa & Schielzeth titled "A general and simple method for obtaining $R^2$ from
generalized linear mixed-effects models"
generalized linear mixed-effects models."

## Minor fix
* Modified internal function to speed up beta distribution data generation.
Expand All @@ -57,13 +63,13 @@ performance has been dramatically improved.

## Minor fixes

* Fixed bug in `genSpline`
* Fixed bug in `genSpline`.

# simstudy 0.5.1

## Minor fixes

* Fixed bug in `trtAssign`
* Fixed bug in `trtAssign`.

# simstudy 0.5.0

Expand All @@ -77,7 +83,7 @@ performance has been dramatically improved.
# simstudy 0.4.0

## New features
* genOrdCat now supports non-proportional odds
* genOrdCat now supports non-proportional odds.
* Added functions defRepeat and defRepeatAdd to facilitate the definition of multiple variables that share identical data definitions.

## Minor improvements and fixes
Expand Down
151 changes: 110 additions & 41 deletions R/add_correlated_data.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -298,43 +298,87 @@ addCorFlex <- function(dt, defs, rho = 0, tau = NULL, corstr = "cs",
#' Emrich and Piedmonte (1991).
#' @param ... May include additional arguments that have been deprecated and are
#' no longer used.
#' @details The original data table can come in one of two formats: a single row
#' per **idvar** (where data are *ungrouped*) or multiple rows per **idvar** (in which
#' case the data are *grouped* or clustered). The structure of the arguments
#' depends on the format of the data.
#' In the case of *ungrouped* data, there are two ways to specify the number of
#' correlated variables and the covariance matrix. In approach (1),
#' **nvars** needs to be specified along with **rho** and **corstr**.
#' In approach (2), **corMatrix** may be specified by identifying a single square
#' *n* x *n* covariance matrix. The number of new variables generated for each
#' record will be *n*. If **nvars**, **rho**,
#' **corstr**, and **corMatrix** are all specified, the data will be
#' generated based on the information provided in the covariance matrix alone.
#' In both (1) and (2), the data will be returned in a wide format.
#' In the case of *grouped* data, where there are *G* groups, there are also two
#' ways to proceed. In both cases,
#' the number of new variables to be generated may vary by group, and will be determined by the
#' number of records in each group, \eqn{n_i, i \in \{1,...,G\}} (i.e., the number of records that share the same
#' value of *idvar*). **nvars** is not used in grouped data.
#' In approach (1), the arguments **rho** and **corstr** may both be specified
#' to determine the structure of the covariance
#' matrix. In approach (2), the argument **corMatrix** may be specified.
#' **corMatrix** can be a single matrix with dimensions \eqn{n \ \text{x} \ n} if
#' \eqn{n_i = n} for all *i*. However, if the sample sizes of each group vary
#' (i.e., \eqn{n_i \ne n_j} for some groups *i* and *j*), **corMatrix** must be a list
#' of covariance matrices with a length *G*; each
#' covariance matrix in the list will have dimensions
#' \eqn{n_i \ \text{x} \ n_i, \ i \in \{1,...,G\}}. In the case of *grouped* data, the
#' new data will be returned in *long* format (i.e., one new column only).
#' @return Original data.table with added column(s) of correlated data
#' @references Emrich LJ, Piedmonte MR. A Method for Generating High-Dimensional
#' Multivariate Binary Variates. The American Statistician 1991;45:302-4.
#' @examples
#' # Wide example
#' def <- defData(varname = "xbase", formula = 5, variance = .4, dist = "gamma", id = "cid")
#' def <- defData(def, varname = "lambda", formula = ".5 + .1*xbase", dist = "nonrandom", link = "log")
#' dt <- genData(100, def)
#' # Ungrouped data
#' cMat <- genCorMat(nvars = 4, rho = .2, corstr = "ar1", nclusters = 1)
#' def <-
#' defData(varname = "xbase", formula = 5, variance = .4, dist = "gamma") |>
#' defData(varname = "lambda", formula = ".5 + .1*xbase", dist = "nonrandom", link = "log") |>
#' defData(varname = "n", formula = 3, dist = "noZeroPoisson")
#' dd <- genData(101, def, id = "cid")
#' ## Specify with nvars, rho, and corstr
#' addCorGen(
#' dtOld = dt, idvar = "cid", nvars = 3, rho = .7, corstr = "cs",
#' dtOld = dd, idvar = "cid", nvars = 3, rho = .7, corstr = "cs",
#' dist = "poisson", param1 = "lambda"
#' )
#' # Long example
#' def <- defData(varname = "xbase", formula = 5, variance = .4, dist = "gamma", id = "cid")
#' def2 <- defDataAdd(
#' varname = "p", formula = "-3+.2*period + .3*xbase",
#' dist = "nonrandom", link = "logit"
#' ## Specify with covMatrix
#' addCorGen(
#' dtOld = dd, idvar = "cid", corMatrix = cMat,
#' dist = "poisson", param1 = "lambda"
#' )
#' dt <- genData(100, def)
#' dtLong <- addPeriods(dt, idvars = "cid", nPeriods = 3)
#' dtLong <- addColumns(def2, dtLong)
#' # Grouped data
#' cMats <- genCorMat(nvars = dd$n, rho = .5, corstr = "cs", nclusters = nrow(dd))
#' dx <- genCluster(dd, "cid", "n", "id")
#' ## Specify with nvars, rho, and corstr
#' addCorGen(
#' dtOld = dtLong, idvar = "cid", nvars = NULL, rho = .7, corstr = "cs",
#' dist = "binary", param1 = "p"
#' dtOld = dx, idvar = "cid", rho = .8, corstr = "ar1", dist = "poisson", param1 = "xbase"
#' )
#' ## Specify with covMatrix
#' addCorGen(
#' dtOld = dx, idvar = "cid", corMatrix = cMats, dist = "poisson", param1 = "xbase"
#' )
#' @concept correlated
#' @export
#' @md
addCorGen <- function(dtOld, nvars=NULL, idvar = "id", rho=NULL, corstr=NULL, corMatrix = NULL,
dist, param1, param2 = NULL, cnames = NULL,
method = "copula", ...) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,12 +447,22 @@ addCorGen <- function(dtOld, nvars=NULL, idvar = "id", rho=NULL, corstr=NULL, co
# wide(ness) is determined by incoming data structure.

maxN <- dtOld[, .N, by = idvar][, max(N)]

if (maxN == 1) {
wide <- TRUE
assertNotMissing(nvars = missing(nvars))
assertAtLeast(nvars = nvars, minVal = 2)
if ((is.null(nvars) | is.null(rho) | is.null(corstr)) & (is.null(corMatrix))) {
stop("Either nvars, rho, and corstr all must be provided or corMatrix must be provided.")

if (is.null(corMatrix)) { # that means that we are using nvars/rho/corstr
assertAtLeast(nvars = nvars, minVal = 2)
} else if (maxN > 1) {
wide <- FALSE
if ((is.null(rho) | is.null(corstr)) & (is.null(corMatrix))) {
stop("Either both rho and corstr must be provided or corMatrix must be provided.")


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,24 +511,41 @@ addCorGen <- function(dtOld, nvars=NULL, idvar = "id", rho=NULL, corstr=NULL, co

# check if the dimensions of corr matrix matches (equal) cluster size

dn <- dtTemp[, .N, keyby = .id]
dn[, dim := nrow(corMatrix)]
compare_cluster_size <- dn[, sum(N != dim)]
if (compare_cluster_size != 0) {
stop("Dimensions of corMatrix not equal to cluster sizes!")
if (!wide) {
dn <- dtTemp[, .N, keyby = .id]
dn[, dim := nrow(corMatrix)]
compare_cluster_size <- dn[, sum(N != dim)]
if (compare_cluster_size != 0) {
stop("Dimensions of corMatrix not equal to cluster sizes!")

if (wide) { # Convert to long form temporarily
if ( is.null(nvars) ) nvars <- nrow(corMatrix)
dtTemp <- addPeriods(dtTemp, nPeriods = nvars, idvars = ".id")

dtTemp[, seq_ := 1:.N, keyby = .id]
nvars <- dtTemp[.id == 1, .N] # only permits case where number of records per id is the same

# nvars <- dtTemp[.id == 1, .N] # only permits case where number of records per id is the same

counts <- dtTemp[, .N, by = .id][, N]
same_nvar <- all(counts == counts[1])

if (!wide) { # multiple record per id
if (is.null(corMatrix)) {
if (same_nvar) {
corMatrix <- genCorMat(nvars = counts[1] , rho = rho, corstr = corstr, nclusters = 1)
} else {
corMatrix <- genCorMat(nvars = counts , rho = rho, corstr = corstr, nclusters = length(counts))
} else { # single record per id
if (is.null(corMatrix)) {
corMatrix <- genCorMat(nvars = nvars , rho = rho, corstr = corstr, nclusters = 1)

if (method == "copula") {

Expand All @@ -483,19 +554,18 @@ addCorGen <- function(dtOld, nvars=NULL, idvar = "id", rho=NULL, corstr=NULL, co
dtM <- rbindlist(
lapply(ns, function(x) .genQuantU(x$N, 1, rho, corstr, corMatrix[[x$.id]]))

dtTemp[, .U := dtM$Unew]
} else {
if (is.null(corMatrix)) {
corMatrix <- .buildCorMat(nvars, corMatrix = NULL, rho = rho, corstr = corstr)

nvars <- nrow(corMatrix)

ns <- nrow(dtTemp[, .N, keyby = .id])
Unew <- c(t(mvnfast::rmvn(n = ns, mu = rep(0, nvars), sigma = corMatrix)))

dtTemp[, .U := stats::pnorm(Unew)]

# dtTemp[, seq := dtM$seq]

if (dist == "poisson") {
setnames(dtTemp, param1, ".param1")
dtTemp[, .XX := stats::qpois(p = .U, lambda = .param1)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -527,7 +597,6 @@ addCorGen <- function(dtOld, nvars=NULL, idvar = "id", rho=NULL, corstr=NULL, co

dX <- dtTemp[, list(.id, seq_, .XX)]

} else if (method == "ep") {

if (is.list(corMatrix)) {
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R/simstudy-package.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ NULL
#' | binary | probability for 1 | String or Number | NA | identity or logit |
#' | binomial | probability of success | String or Number | number of trials | identity or logit |
#' | categorical | probabilities | `p_1;p_2;..;p_n` | category labels: `a;b;c` , `50;130;20`| identity or logit |
#' | custom | name of function | String | arguments | identity |
#' | exponential | mean (lambda) | String or Number | NA | identity or log |
#' | gamma | mean | String or Number | dispersion value | identity or log |
#' | mixture | formula | `x_1 `\|` p_1 + x_2 `\|` p_2 ... x_n `\|` p_n` | NA | NA |
Expand Down
78 changes: 61 additions & 17 deletions man/addCorGen.Rd

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions man/distributions.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.


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