Co-Simulation Framework for applications involving Networked Robots like Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Network of UAVs.
CORNET 1.0 integrates Ardupilot SITL in Gazebo and NS3 and the source code is available here.
CORNET 2.0 is more generic framework that can be integrated with any robotic framework that supports ROS. This code was tested on an Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 system.
For network realization, we use Mininet Wi-Fi; the dependent packages need to installed as mentioned in mininet wifi documentation. This work is submitted for review (COMSNETS 2022). If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={CORNET 2.0: A Co-Simulation Middleware for Robot Networks},
author={Srikrishna Acharya and Bharadwaj Amrutur and Mukunda Bharatheesha and Yogesh Simmhan},
We highly recommend using Ubuntu version 16.04 or higher. Some new hostapd features might not work on Ubuntu 14.04.
My environment is
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS2 Foxy
install mininet-Wifi, containernet, docker
build docker
# if the files changed in docker directory, run it.
cd docker_container
cd CORNET2.0
sudo python3 network/ one_ap_three_stas.yaml
Run gzserver and spawn robots (According to this_link)
source <comm_based_mrs_formation ws>/install/setup.bash
# run spawn 3 robots scripts
ros2 launch comm_based_mrs_formation
# If you want to see the gazebo, run gzclient