Install Dependencies:
- Make sure you installed Node.js/npm/yarn。
- Make sure you installed Node.js/npm/yarn。
Make a Mongo DB Server (on Mongo Atlas)
Set up Environmental Variables:
- Rename '.env.example' to '.env' and fill in the following two lines:
## Part B: Step by Step Edit & Run File
### Step 1. `KPL_backup_on_testnet.js`
- In the `KPL_backup_on_testnet.js` file you'll find an array called `KPLTokensAddress`. Within line 12 and line 16, please edit and replace all the KPL token addresses with the ones you own to back them up before proceeding.
### Step 2. `KPL_create_new_mint_on_mainnet.js`
- You will see your new mint address in the console here.
### Step 3. `KPL_send_out_tokens_on_mainnet.js`
- In the `KPL_send_out_tokens_on_mainnet.js` file. please edit and replaces both line 13 and line 14 (the old and new token address)
(Optional: Repeat Step2 and Step3 if you have multiple addresses.)
### Step 4. Access https://kpl.koii.network/bind
- Please upload your metadata again through the KPL token portal via the "Bind Metadata" tool.
- *Note: It is encouraged that you can host your icon on your own server.*