Tools and Utilities about Elite Dangerous
- python
- -- python module for manipulating feeds from eddb. Required by notebooks.
- -- forces a refresh of the eddb module's feed cachces
- notebooks
- nearby_systems -- Given one or more systems and a radius, calculate the midpoint of those systems and find all systems within radius (ly) of the midpoint. Copies results to clipboard.
- home_port_analysis -- Given a system, find all populated systems within 20 ly of that system, then all the systems within 20ly of those systems. Copies results to clipboard.
- player_faction_analysis -- Given a faction, find all worlds where that faction is present, all worlds with 20 ly of those systems, and determine player faction involvement in those systems.
- shortest_route -- Given a list of systems, and optionally starting and end points, calculate the shortest route among those systems. WARNING! Brute force approach takes N! where N = # of systems.
- system_summaries -- Given a list of systems, create a summary table of those systems and copy it to the clipboard.
- expansion_analysis (PLANNED) -- Given a list of systems, find the nearest three targets for expansion for each system. Copies results to clipboard.
- best_core_prices -- Given an origin and a radius, find the best five sell prices for each core mineral within the sphere. Includes the distance from origin.