The Chinese Classical Porcelain Name Generator is a simple script for randomly generating porcelain names with a traditional Chinese style. These names are created by randomly combining different elements from various historical periods, kiln factories, shapes, and glaze colors.
- Randomly combines different elements (including era names, kiln factories, shapes, glaze colors) to generate porcelain names.
- Allows users to specify the number of porcelain names to generate.
- Returns a list containing the generated porcelain names.
This script does not require specific installation steps, just make sure Python (version 3.x) is installed on your system.
Clone the repository or download the script file to your local machine.
Open the terminal (or command prompt), navigate to the directory where the script is located.
Run the script:
- Follow the prompt to enter the number of porcelain names you want to generate.
Enter the number of names to generate: 5
- The output will be similar to:
All forms of contributions are welcome. If you want to suggest a feature, report a bug, or contribute code, please:
- Fork the repository.
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature).
- Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature').
- Push your changes to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature).
- Open a Pull Request.
- Please ensure to describe your changes in detail in the Pull Request.
This project is open-source under the MIT license. For more information, please refer to the accompanying LICENSE file.
Thanks to all researchers and enthusiasts who maintain and contribute to the traditional Chinese culture and arts. Special thanks to historical scholars and ceramic art experts who provided data support and professional knowledge.
Some of the data for this project is based on the following public materials and national standards:
- Information on Chinese historical periods : Referenced from the 中国年号列表 on Wikipedia, which follows the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
- National Standard Reference: 《瓷器类文物元数据规范》GB/T XXXXX-XXXX, Peking University Library. This standard provides classification and numbering methods for porcelain.
We respect and appreciate the original creators and publishers of these resources. We have made every effort to comply with relevant terms of use and citation guidelines when utilizing the above documents.