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Simplify IdentifyRateLimiterImpl
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Instead of a complicated channel structure, simply use a Mutex for each
rateLimitKey as a way to queue the consume calls for the same key.
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lukellmann committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent 909045b commit e854d05
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 175 deletions.
235 changes: 60 additions & 175 deletions gateway/src/commonMain/kotlin/ratelimit/IdentifyRateLimiter.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,17 +2,13 @@ package dev.kord.gateway.ratelimit

import dev.kord.gateway.*
import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.atomicfu.getAndUpdate
import kotlinx.atomicfu.loop
import kotlinx.atomicfu.update
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.onSuccess
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.selects.onTimeout
import kotlin.jvm.JvmField
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onSubscription
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlin.coroutines.resume
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,197 +57,86 @@ private class IdentifyRateLimiterImpl(
private val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
) : IdentifyRateLimiter {

private class IdentifyRequest(
@JvmField val shardId: Int,
@JvmField val events: SharedFlow<Event>,
private val permission: CompletableDeferred<Unit>,
) {
fun allow() = permission.complete(Unit)

private val IdentifyRequest.rateLimitKey get() = shardId % maxConcurrency

// doesn't need onUndeliveredElement for rejecting requests, we don't close or cancel the channel, receiving can't
// be cancelled (running in GlobalScope), only send can be cancelled, which is ok because permission isn't needed in
// that case
private val channel = Channel<IdentifyRequest>(capacity = maxConcurrency)

* Can be
* - [NOT_RUNNING]: no coroutine ([launchRateLimiterCoroutine]) is running, or it is about to stop and will no
* longer process [IdentifyRequest]s
* - [RUNNING_WITH_NO_CONSUMERS]: the coroutine is running and ready to process [IdentifyRequest]s but there are no
* consumers that sent a request
* - unsigned number of consumers: number of concurrent [consume] invocations that wait for their [IdentifyRequest]
* to be processed (min [ONE_CONSUMER], max [MAX_CONSUMERS])
private val state = atomic(initial = NOT_RUNNING)

private fun getOldStateAndIncrementConsumers() = state.getAndUpdate { current ->
when (current) {
"Too many concurrent identify attempts, overflow happened. There are already ${current.toUInt()} " +
"other consume() invocations waiting. This is most likely a bug."
else -> current + 1 // increment number of consumers

private fun decrementConsumers() = state.update { current ->
when (current) {
NOT_RUNNING -> error("Should be running but was NOT_RUNNING")
RUNNING_WITH_NO_CONSUMERS -> error("Should have consumers but was RUNNING_WITH_NO_CONSUMERS")
ONE_CONSUMER -> RUNNING_WITH_NO_CONSUMERS // we were the last consumer
else -> current - 1 // decrement number of consumers

private fun stopIfHasNoConsumers(): Boolean = state.loop { current ->
when (current) {
NOT_RUNNING -> error("Should be running but was NOT_RUNNING")
RUNNING_WITH_NO_CONSUMERS -> // no new requests in sight -> try to stop
if (state.compareAndSet(expect = current, update = NOT_RUNNING)) return true
else -> return false // don't change number of consumers
// These mutexes are fair (according to the documentation of Mutex and its factory function), we rely on this to
// guarantee a fair rate limiter behavior.
// rateLimitKey is always in the range 0..<maxConcurrency, so size has to be maxConcurrency (one per rateLimitKey)
private val mutexesByRateLimitKey = Array(size = maxConcurrency) { Mutex() }

// scope.cancel() is never called, but that's ok: all coroutines that are launched in this scope complete after
// waiting for the previous one trying to lock the same mutex and a fixed delay of at most DELAY_AFTER_IDENTIFY +
// IDENTIFY_TIMEOUT -> no resource cleanup needed
// SupervisorJob is used to ensure an unexpected failure in one coroutine doesn't leave the rate limiter unusable
private val scope = CoroutineScope(
context = SupervisorJob() + dispatcher + CoroutineExceptionHandler { context, exception ->
// we can't be cancelled, so all exceptions are bugs
logger.error(exception) {
"IdentifyRateLimiter threw an exception in context $context, please report this, it should not happen"


override suspend fun consume(shardId: Int, events: SharedFlow<Event>) {
require(shardId >= 0) { "shardId must be non-negative but was $shardId" }

val oldState = getOldStateAndIncrementConsumers()
if (oldState == NOT_RUNNING) launchRateLimiterCoroutine() // if this throws we are screwed anyway

// this might throw because of cancellation of the coroutine that called consume(), which is ok
try {
val permission = CompletableDeferred<Unit>()
channel.send(IdentifyRequest(shardId, events, permission))
} finally {
// if the coroutine that called consume() is cancelled, the CancellableContinuation makes sure the waiting is
// stopped (the Gateway won't try to identify), so we don't need to hold the mutex and waste time for other
// calls
suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
val job = launchIdentifyWaiter(shardId, events, continuation)
continuation.invokeOnCancellation { job.cancel() }

private fun launchRateLimiterCoroutine() {
// GlobalScope is ok here:
// - only one coroutine is launched at a time:
// previously running one will allow next one to start by setting state to NOT_RUNNING just before exiting
// - the coroutine will time out eventually when no identify requests are sent, a new one will be launched on
// demand which will then time out again etc.
// => no leaks
GlobalScope.launch(context = dispatcher + ExceptionLogger) {

// only read/written from sequential loop, not from launched concurrent coroutines
// request.rateLimitKey is always in the range 0..<maxConcurrency
val identifyWaiters = arrayOfNulls<Job>(size = maxConcurrency)

while (true) {
val batch = receiveSortedBatchOfRequestsOrNull() ?: when {
identifyWaiters.any { it != null && !it.isCompleted } -> continue // keep receiving while waiting
stopIfHasNoConsumers() -> return@launch // no consumers and no waiters -> stop (only exit point)
else -> continue // has consumers -> there will be new requests soon

for (request in batch) {
val key = request.rateLimitKey
val previousWaiter = identifyWaiters[key]
identifyWaiters[key] = launchIdentifyWaiter(previousWaiter, request)

/** Returns `null` on [RECEIVE_TIMEOUT]. */
private suspend fun receiveSortedBatchOfRequestsOrNull(): List<IdentifyRequest>? {

// first receive suspends until we get a request or time out
// using select instead of withTimeoutOrNull here, so we can't remove the request from the channel on timeout
val firstRequest = select<IdentifyRequest?> {
channel.onReceive { it }
@OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) onTimeout(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT) { null }
} ?: return null

yield() // give other requests the chance to arrive if they were sent at the same time

return buildList {

do { // now we receive other requests that are immediately available
val result = channel.tryReceive().onSuccess(::add)
} while (result.isSuccess)

sortWith(ShardIdComparator) // sort requests in this batch

private fun CoroutineScope.launchIdentifyWaiter(previousWaiter: Job?, request: IdentifyRequest) = launch {
if (previousWaiter != null) {
private fun launchIdentifyWaiter(
shardId: Int,
events: SharedFlow<Event>,
continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>,
) = scope.launch {
val rateLimitKey = shardId % maxConcurrency
val mutex = mutexesByRateLimitKey[rateLimitKey]
// best effort, only used for logging (might be false even if mutex.withLock suspends later if we are unlucky)
val wasLocked = mutex.isLocked
if (wasLocked) {
logger.debug {
"Waiting for other shard(s) with rate_limit_key ${request.rateLimitKey} to identify " +
"before identifying on shard ${request.shardId}"
"Waiting for other shard(s) with rate_limit_key $rateLimitKey to identify before identifying on " +
"shard $shardId"

// using a timeout so a broken gateway won't block its rate_limit_key for a long time
val responseToIdentify = withTimeoutOrNull(IDENTIFY_TIMEOUT) {
.onSubscription { // onSubscription ensures we don't miss events
mutex.withLock { // in case something terrible happens, ensure the mutex is unlocked
// using a timeout so a broken gateway won't block its rate_limit_key for a long time
val responseToIdentify = withTimeoutOrNull(IDENTIFY_TIMEOUT) {
events.onSubscription { // onSubscription ensures we don't miss events
logger.debug {
if (previousWaiter != null)
"Waited for other shard(s) with rate_limit_key ${request.rateLimitKey} to identify, i"
if (wasLocked) "Waited for other shard(s) with rate_limit_key $rateLimitKey to identify, i"
else "I"
}dentifying on shard ${request.shardId} with rate_limit_key ${request.rateLimitKey}..."
}dentifying on shard $shardId with rate_limit_key $rateLimitKey..."
request.allow() // notify gateway waiting in consume -> it will try to identify -> wait for event
.first { it is Ready || it is InvalidSession || it is Close }

logger.debug {
when (responseToIdentify) {
null -> "Identifying on shard ${request.shardId} timed out"
is Ready -> "Identified on shard ${request.shardId}"
is InvalidSession -> "Identifying on shard ${request.shardId} failed, session could not be initialized"
is Close -> "Shard ${request.shardId} was stopped before it could identify"
else -> "Unexpected responseToIdentify on shard ${request.shardId}: $responseToIdentify"
} + ", delaying $DELAY_AFTER_IDENTIFY before freeing up rate_limit_key ${request.rateLimitKey}"
// notify gateway waiting in consume -> it will try to identify -> wait for event
}.first { it is Ready || it is InvalidSession || it is Close }
logger.debug {
when (responseToIdentify) {
null -> "Identifying on shard $shardId timed out"
is Ready -> "Identified on shard $shardId"
is InvalidSession -> "Identifying on shard $shardId failed, session could not be initialized"
is Close -> "Shard $shardId was stopped before it could identify"
else -> "Unexpected responseToIdentify on shard $shardId: $responseToIdentify"
} + ", delaying $DELAY_AFTER_IDENTIFY before freeing up rate_limit_key $rateLimitKey"
delay(DELAY_AFTER_IDENTIFY) // delay before unlocking mutex to free up the current rateLimitKey

// next waiter for the current rate_limit_key has to wait for this delay before it can identify

override fun toString() = "IdentifyRateLimiter(maxConcurrency=$maxConcurrency, dispatcher=$dispatcher)"

private companion object {
// Apps also have a limit for concurrent Identify requests allowed per 5 seconds.
// -> for each rate_limit_key: delay after identify
private val DELAY_AFTER_IDENTIFY = 5.seconds


// states
private const val MAX_CONSUMERS = -2 // interpreted as UInt.MAX_VALUE - 1u
private const val NOT_RUNNING = -1
private const val RUNNING_WITH_NO_CONSUMERS = 0
private const val ONE_CONSUMER = 1

private val ShardIdComparator = Comparator<IdentifyRequest> { r1, r2 -> r1.shardId.compareTo(r2.shardId) }

private val ExceptionLogger = CoroutineExceptionHandler { context, exception ->
// we can't be cancelled (GlobalScope) and we never close the channel, so all exceptions are bugs
logger.error(exception) {
"IdentifyRateLimiter threw an exception in context $context, please report this, it should not happen"

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