Native extensions created for Vis project. Made to be modular as much as possible and can be used in any Java application.
Current release version:
vneVersion = '1.0.1'
Shared library loader, required by all extensions.
compile "com.kotcrab.vne:vne-runtime:$vneVersion"
Fast and memory efficient thumbnail provider using WinAPI to extract thumbnails from images. Works on Windows Vista and newer.
Internally uses IThumbnailCache
compile "com.kotcrab.vne:vne-win-thumbnails:$vneVersion"
Usage example:
WinThumbnailProvider provider = new WinThumbnailProvider();
// request 200px thumbnail, returned array contains pixels in RGBA8888 format with two first elements being size of image
// see Javadoc for more details
int[] data = provider.getThumbnail("C:\\Path\\To\\Image", 200);