Karuta Card Auto Grab
For those who might know, there used to be a discord bot similar to Karuta, which came to an end:
Since I have made a card farming bot for KaguyaBot, I figured it would be nice to make one for Karuta as well.
- card farming using anime name
- card farming using character name
- card farming using card tier
- Install Docker
- Git clone this project using
git clone {url to this project}
. - Change working directory to this project folder
cd path\to\folder
. - Add your own configurations.
- Run
Run run-container.bat
Type kcag help
in your grab channel
- pytesseract
- tesseract-ocr
- discord.py-self
- opencv-python-headless
- Modified imageio (Added user agent to download discord attachment)
The word from the cards drop might not be recognized correctly. This will result in missed grab.
The script might disconnect from your discord account.
Possible reasons:
- Your network issue
- Discord rate limitation (unverified)
While there is a fix implemented to automatically reconnect back, it does not always work.
I am not responsible for your account getting banned from using this.
It is advisable to try this with your alternate account first.
Use at your own risk