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Types in HERMIT
Andy Gill edited this page Jul 21, 2015
6 revisions
The layers in HERMIT are
- Command Line (CommandLineState, PluginReader, CLException)
- Plugin (PluginState, PluginReader):
- Kernel: raw rewrites or queries on Core; keeps a dictionary of all rewrite results.
Command line uses a class, CLMonad
. This can be
- An
action - CommandLineState (contains the PluginState)
- PluginReader
- CLException
type CLMonad m = (MonadIO m, MonadState CommandLineState m, MonadReader PluginReader m, MonadError CLException m)
data CommandLineState = CommandLineState
{ cl_pstate :: PluginState -- ^ Access to the enclosing plugin state. This is propagated back
-- to the plugin after the CLT computation ends. We do it this way
-- because nested StateT is a pain.
, cl_height :: Int -- ^ console height, in lines
, cl_scripts :: [(ScriptName,Script)]
, cl_nav :: Bool -- ^ keyboard input the nav panel
, cl_foci :: M.Map AST PathStack -- ^ focus assigned to each AST
, cl_tags :: M.Map AST [String] -- ^ list of tags on an AST
, cl_proofstack :: M.Map AST [ProofTodo] -- ^ stack of todos for the proof shell
, cl_window :: PathH -- ^ path to beginning of window, always a prefix of focus path in kernel
, cl_externals :: [External] -- ^ Currently visible externals
, cl_running_script :: Maybe Script -- ^ Nothing = no script running, otherwise the remaining script commands
, cl_safety :: Safety -- ^ which level of safety we are running in
, cl_templemmas :: TVar [(HermitC,LemmaName,Lemma)] -- ^ updated by kernel env with temporary obligations
, cl_failhard :: Bool -- ^ Any exception will cause an abort.
, cl_diffonly :: Bool -- ^ Print diffs instead of full focus.
data CLException = CLAbort
| CLResume AST
| CLContinue CommandLineState -- TODO: needed?
| CLError String
data PluginState = PluginState
{ ps_cursor :: AST -- ^ the current AST
, ps_pretty :: PrettyPrinter -- ^ which pretty printer to use
, ps_render :: Handle -> PrettyOptions -> Either String DocH -> IO () -- ^ the way of outputing to the screen
, ps_tick :: TVar (M.Map String Int) -- ^ the list of ticked messages
, ps_corelint :: Bool -- ^ if true, run Core Lint on module after each rewrite
data PluginReader = PluginReader
{ pr_kernel :: Kernel
, pr_pass :: PassInfo
Kernel uses a record of update methods to act on, basically, mod-guts.
data Kernel = Kernel
{ -- | Halt the 'Kernel' and return control to GHC, which compiles the specified 'AST'.
resumeK :: forall m. MonadIO m => AST -> m ()
-- | Halt the 'Kernel' and abort GHC without compiling.
, abortK :: forall m. MonadIO m => m ()
-- | Apply a 'Rewrite' to the specified 'AST' and return a handle to the resulting 'AST'.
, applyK :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
=> RewriteH ModGuts -> CommitMsg -> KernelEnv -> AST -> m AST
-- | Apply a 'TransformH' to the 'AST', return the resulting value, and potentially a new 'AST'.
, queryK :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
=> TransformH ModGuts a -> CommitMsg -> KernelEnv -> AST -> m (AST,a)
-- | Delete the internal record of the specified 'AST'.
, deleteK :: forall m. MonadIO m => AST -> m ()
-- | List all the 'AST's tracked by the 'Kernel', including version data.
, listK :: forall m. MonadIO m => m [(AST,Maybe String, Maybe AST)]
-- | Log a new AST with same Lemmas/ModGuts as given AST.
, tellK :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => String -> AST -> m AST
Question: Why does `queryK` return an AST?
## Plan
* (X) -- to delete
* (?) -- Not sure how to remove
Name | Plan | Type | Notes
cl_pstate | X | PluginState | Access to the enclosing plugin state. This is propagated back to the plugin after the CLT computation ends. We do it this way because nested StateT is a pain. |
cl_height | X | Int | console height, in lines |
cl_scripts | X | [(ScriptName, Script)] | |
cl_nav | X | Bool | keyboard input the nav panel |
cl_foci | ? | M.Map AST PathStack | focus assigned to each AST |
cl_tags | ? | M.Map AST [String] | list of tags on an AST |
cl_proofstack | ? | M.Map AST [ProofTodo] | stack of todos for the proof shell |
cl_window | X | PathH | path to beginning of window, always a prefix of focus path in kernel |
cl_externals | X | [External] | Currently visible externals |
cl_running_script | X | Maybe Script | Nothing = no script running, otherwise the remaining script commands |
cl_safety | ? | Safety | which level of safety we are running in |
cl_templemmas | ? | TVar [(HermitC, LemmaName, Lemma)] | updated by kernel env with temporary obligations |
cl_failhard | ? | Bool | Any exception will cause an abort. |
cl_diffonly | X | Bool | Print diffs instead of full focus. |