Kullo server written in Go.
- Go version 1.2
- PostgreSQL server 9.3+
Create a new folder where your go sources and packages will be stored:
mkdir ~/go
cd ~/go
mkdir bin pkg src
Define GOPATH:
# add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
export GOPATH="${HOME}/go"
Open a new shell or source the edited file to apply changes.
Initial checkout of private repository:
cd $GOPATH/src
mkdir -p bitbucket.org/kullo
cd bitbucket.org/kullo
git clone [email protected]:kullo/server.git
Get, update and build dependencies:
cd $GOPATH/src/bitbucket.org/kullo/server
make update
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo yum install postgresql-server
Cluster 'main' is created automatically.
sudo postgresql-setup initdb
Edit pg_hba.conf
(Ubuntu: /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/
, Fedora: /var/lib/pgsql/data/
) so that the following line is present and no other line matches the first 4 columns:
host all all md5
Afterwards, start postgres:
sudo service postgresql start
The current database passwords can be read from the ansible configuration:
cd workspace/ansible
ansible-vault view --vault-password-file=vault-password.txt roles/kullo-server/vars/main.yml
The password for the kullo
user should be stored in ~/.pgpass
Create database application user and application database
sudo -u postgres createuser -P kullo
sudo -u postgres createdb -O kullo kullo
Set database settings
cd $GOPATH/src/bitbucket.org/kullo/server
vi config/dbconf.yml
go get -u bitbucket.org/liamstask/goose/cmd/goose
cd $GOPATH/src/bitbucket.org/kullo/server
./goose.sh -env <environment> status
Migrate migrations if necessary.
./goose.sh -env <environment> up
The Kullo server must be started from the right working directory in order to
find config files like config/dbconf.yml
cd $GOPATH/src/bitbucket.org/kullo/server
make && ./kulloserver -env <environment>
sudo -u postgres createuser -P kullotest
sudo -u postgres createdb -O kullotest kullotest
./goose.sh -env integrationtest up
virtualenv /path/to/new/venv
source /path/to/new/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
Every time, in one shell:
make && ./kulloserver -env integrationtest
Every time, in another shell:
source /path/to/new/venv/bin/activate # if not yet activated in this shell
make integrationtest
As a prerequisite, this needs the tool fabric, which is available from the package repositories of at least Ubuntu and Fedora under the name fabric
fab rollback