Releases: kurotych/sqlant
Releases · kurotych/sqlant
What's Changed
Improved readability and maintainability of PlantUML code by adding reusable components to the repository. Now using db_ent.puml from PUML Library.
New syntax example:
hide circle
skinparam linetype ortho
table(customer) {
column(id, "bigint", $pk=true, $nn=true)
column(address, "text", $nn=true)
column(name, "text", $nn=true)
column(phone_number, "text", $nn=true)
column(registered_at, "timestamp with time zone", $nn=true)
column(zip_code, "text", $nn=true)
table(customer_order) {
column(id, "bigint", $pk=true, $nn=true)
column(customer_id, "bigint", $fk=true, $nn=true)
column(delivery_method, "text", $nn=true)
column(ordered_at, "timestamp with time zone", $nn=true)
column(payment_method, "text", $nn=true)
column(shipping_address, "text", $nn=true)
column(total_price, "numeric", $nn=true)
column(total_tax_amount, "numeric", $nn=true)
customer_order }o--|| customer
enum(product_category, "electronics, jewelry, home")
Sqlant v0.3.4
Sqlant v0.3.1
- Remove all unwraps from the library codebase to make the "sqlant" safe to use as a library
- Add async support
Sqlant v0.3.0
Sqlant v0.2.0
Sqlant v0.1.5
- Fix lookup_parser for postgres. Now connection string can start with "postgres"
Sqlant v0.1.4
- Added custom schema name support
-s, --schema <schema> Schema name [default: public]
- Improved CLI experience
- Handle case properly when schema doesn't exist
Sqlant v0.1.3
Sqlant v0.1.2
Sqlant v0.1.1
Support table names with double quotas