Transform your mysql server with Redis
caching layer for mysql/mysql2.
- MysqlRedis checks if there is a cached result for the query in redis
- if not found in cache, it will retrieve data from mysql and on successful result cache it in redis for future queries
- if redis is unavailable or errors, query will be served by mysql
- zero external dependency (farmhash is now option after v0.7)
Use along with mysql and redis. This is not a replacement of either. Use it with queries/stored procedures that only perform select
and will return same result set every time.
- No brainer for retrieving static data, eg,
select * from countries
- Data that will not be updated once created, typically timeseries data like chat messages, logs
- Use with caution where data may get updated in mysql as redis cache may be stale
The above is achieved by creating a unique hash for every query
"select 1+2" => #️⃣
In redis, the hash and query results are stored as key-value pair
#️⃣ => [{'1+2':3}]
md5hash ⚡🗜️ MD5hash is the new default to prevent non mandatory dependency on farmhash MD5 hash is generated without any external lib
farmhash32 ⚡🗜️
Example redis key: prefix.2jNDCJ
Fast!!! Over ~5 million hashes/s on reference machine. Most compact key. (if you have millions of possible queries, these hashes can collide 💥)
Example redis key: prefix.DiHlF3yv0V$
fast (~2 million hashes/sec on reference machine )
farmhash32/64 use Google's farmhash, non-crypto algorithm (if you have millions of possible queries, these hashes can collide 💥)
blake2b512 🛡️
Example redis key: prefix.4KbMOx3xJi+7mJNy0tDbju6NY9uHqOroDsG4rYjpHK1mEwXJokls5Ofdjs7iDsn3cAtibgUkT8RDdpCE2phhiQ==
Crypto safe, ~500k hashes/sec on reference machine.
Use it for caching millions of different queries (eg. chats, logs)
Note that the key is longer than farmhash32/64.
full Matches full query string. Use this if you are paranoid or if your queries are smaller than blake2b512 hashes
Or you can provide your own hash per query, eg, prefix.p.123
to represent select * from person p where id = 123
mysql (mysql/mysql2), and redis (redis/ioredis). Internally MysqlRedis relies on mysql/mysql2's query
function and redis's get
and set
For async/await api, you can use mysql2's promise api and async-redis
npm i mysql-redis --save
const { MysqlRedis, HashTypes, Caching } = require("mysql-redis");
// or if you use async await api
const { MysqlRedisAsync, HashTypes, Caching } = require("mysql-redis");
- a mysql connection or pool (mysqlRedis will call it's query method when no cache found)
- redis connection (mysqlRedis will call its set and get methods)
- cache options (optional)
a mysql connection or pool promise
// Example from mysql2 docs: const poolPromise = mysql.createPool({ host:'localhost', user: 'root', database: 'test' }) .promise();
async redis
eg: const asyncRedis = require("async-redis"); const redis = asyncRedis.createClient(redisOptions); ```
cache options (optional)
import HashTypes
and Caching
from mysql-redis
const cacheOptions = {
expire: 2629746,// seconds, defaults to 30 days
keyPrefix: "sql.", // default
hashType: HashTypes.md5 //default
caching: Caching.CACHE //default
can be
can be
to get data from Redis if available, else mysqlCaching.SKIP
to get data from mysql, do not save to redisCaching.REFRESH
to get data from mysql and save to redis
Options can be specified when creating mysqlRedis instance or overriden at the time of query. At query time, you can also provide a custom hash as cacheOptions.hash (ignores hashType if specified)
const mysqlRedis = new MysqlRedis(
Now if you wish to get something from cache, just use mysqlRedis.query instead of your mysql connection's query. (Use your mysql connection normally to bypass cache)
mysqlRedis.query('select * from logs where id =?",["some-log-id"], (err,data,fields)=>{
// if served by Redis, fields value is something like [ { cacheHit: 'sql.Dh9VSNbN5V$' } ]
// else mysql fields
or if you like promises, then:
const mysqlRedis = new MysqlRedisAsync(
... in an async function ...
[result,fields]=await mysqlRedis.query("select 1+?+?",[2,3]);
// handle err
You can override cache options per query as below:
mysqlRedis.query('select * from logs where id =?",["some-log-id"],
{ //cache option
hashType: HashTypes.farmhash64
//or hash: myHash <- provide your own
// caching: Caching.SKIP or Caching.REFRESH or Caching.CACHE
// if served by Redis, fields value is something like [ { cacheHit: 'sql.Dh9VSNbN5V$' } ]
// else mysql fields
// promise api
[result,fields]=await mysqlRedis.query("select 1+?+?",[2,3],
{ //cache option
hashType: HashTypes.farmhash64
//or hash: myHash <- provide your own
// caching: Caching.SKIP or Caching.REFRESH or Caching.CACHE
- Start mysql and redis servers on your local (host, default ports)
- create user
in mysql, no need to give any grants
CREATE USER 'test_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'User@123';
- then run
npm run test
Feel free to fork/send PR
- Gi Singh
This project is licensed under the MIT.