backend project using spring boot java using spring-security
, spring-data-jpa
- 우아한형제들 기술 불로그 | Todo list 만들기는 이제 그만
- 우아한형제들 기술 블로그 | Gradle 프로젝트에 JaCoCo 설정하기
- 우아한형제들 기술 블로그 | 우린 Git-flow를 사용하고 있어요
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$ ./gradlew build bootRun
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 raeperd/realworld-spring-boot-java
- Dockerhub registry is here
- Container tags are simply branch name of this repository following git-flow strategy
After run application, you can try one of followings
$ ./doc/
Import ./doc/Conduit.postman_collection.json
in your postman application
And also, pure gradle test
covers almost every line of code.
More details can be found in ./doc/
and original source
- Always
whenever possible - Always package private class whenever possible
- Always test every package, class, method, instruction in codes
- Except for some boilerplate
method - This is validated by jacoco-gradle-plugin.
- Coverage verification in
- Except for some boilerplate
- Try to avoid including additional dependencies as much as possible
- Implements JWT generation / validation logic without 3rd party library #3
- Try to maintain codes in domain package remain POJO
- Except for special spring annotations like
- Prohibit use of lombok in domain package
- Except for special spring annotations like
- Try to follow all modern best practices for spring-boot project
- You can open full diagram file in
- Separate password encoding logic out of User.
- User must be created with password encoder.
- Article contains other elements with
classes - Try to reduce number of repositories.
- Prefer
- Try not to use 3rd party library
- Serialization and Deserialization are seperated with interfaces
- Domain package contains interface, infrastructure code provide implementation
- Application package do stuff with spring-security logic
- Result of
- User class doing so many things now. It can be improved someway.
- Service classes can be divided into smaller services
- Test cases order can be improved
You can contact me with email or issue in this project