Releases: kyrptonaught/linkedstorage
Fixes rash with InformedLoad
Whats new?
Handheld storage default to White/White/White
Opening one instance of an inventory opens all other instances ie: opening a bag set to w/w/w opens all chests also set to w/w/w
More visual changes
Whats new?
nbt-crafting is now properly bundled
Storage Blocks now render their channels in inventories
Whats missing?
Whats new?
Fixed culling of storage block texture
Broken storage blocks now remember their dye channels
Texture changes
Fixed issues where changing the channel on one storage block changes it on another too
Removed channel id from inventory screen
Crafting a storage block into a handheld storage will now remember the dye channel
Other stuff I'm probably forgetting
Whats missing?
Storage block does not properly display its channel in your inventory
Storage block animations
note: please install nbt crafting ( having issues getting it to JIJ
Whats new?
Handheld Storage now represent it's dye channels on the item
Fixed opening of storage blocks while holding a dye
Changes made to the model/texture of the Storage BLock
Whats new?
Crafting recipes
Some groundwork for animations
First public beta release.
Note: those using a previous build will need to back up their inventories as they will be lost after this update. This is always a possibility when updating to future beta builds.
Known issues:
You cannot open a linked chest while holding a dye despite not clicking on the upper dye slots
Whats missing?
Portable storage's do not display their dye channels on their item model
Linked chests do not have an open/close animation
Crafting recipes