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  • Java 8
  • Scala (tested with 2.12.8)

Supported Platforms

  • Mac OS (hopefully)
  • Linux


WeMeLT should build by typing make in the top-level directory.


This should produce a shell script for running it.


Run, supplying a list of files to analyse as command line arguments.

-v can be used ato print the P, D, and Gamma values after each statement

-d can be used to print additional debug information

./ file1 file2 ..
./ -v file1 file2 ..
./ -d file1 file2 ..

Input file format

Variable definitions

_var z:
_Mode: NoW

_var x:
_L: z % 2 == 0
_Mode: NoW

_var r_secret:

_var r12:

Variables must be defined at the start of the file, before any statements. Variables can have the mode NoW (No Write), NoRW (No Read/Write) or RW (Read/Write). Variables with r_ at the start of their names or of the form r# (where # is a sequence of digits) are Local, and automatically have the mode NoRW. All other variables are Global. If the L predicate is not defined for a variable, it will be TRUE by default.

Array definitions

_array z[2]:
_Mode: NoW

_array x[2]:
_L[0]: z[0] % 2 == 0
_L[1]: z[1] % 2 == 0
_Mode: NoW

Arrays can be defined in the same section as variables, with _array instead of _var, and the size of the array specified between square brackets. An L predicate can be specified for the entire array with _L: or for each index with _L[0]:, _L[1]: and so on. Modes are specified for the entire array.

P_0 and Gamma_0 definitions

_P_0: z == 0
_Gamma_0: x -> LOW, r_secret -> HIGH, q[*] -> LOW

Defining the P_0 and/or Gamma_0 is optional, but can occur between the variable definitions and the program. By default, P_0 will be set to TRUE and Gamma_0 will be set to HIGH for all variables in its domain. Predicates in P_0 can be separated with ,. Gamma_0 can be specified for all members of an array with the wildcard q[*] for the array q.

While statements

_invariant: z % 2 == 0
_Gamma: x -> LOW, r_secret -> HIGH
  z = z + 1;
  x = r_secret;
  x = 0;
  z = z + 1;

While statements must have the loop invariants for P and Gamma defined with _invariant: for P' and _Gamma: for Gamma'. A previously unstable variable can also be specified to be stable for the loop's duration with the annotation _Stable: .

Do While statements

_invariant: TRUE
_Gamma: r1 -> LOW, r2 -> HIGH, z -> LOW
  r1 = z;
} while ((r1 % 2) != 0)

Do While statements are supported similarly to While statements and must have their loop invariants specified.

Other statements

r_cas_result = CAS(head, r_h, r_h + 1);
if (r_cas_result == 0) {
  r_task = 0;

If statements and the atomic compare-and-swap (CAS) operation are also supported. The CAS statement assigns 1 to its result variable if the CAS is successful and 0 if it is not. CAS cannot be used in other expressions.

Supported operations

  • = assignment
  • == equality
  • <= less than or equal to
  • < less than
  • >= greater than or equal to
  • > greater than
  • ! logical not
  • && logical and
  • || logical or
  • + addition
  • - subtraction
  • * multiplication
  • / integer division
  • % modulus
  • | bitwise or
  • & bitwise and
  • ^ bitwise xor
  • ~ bitwise not
  • >> logical shift right
  • >>> arithmetic shift right
  • << shift left

Differences from paper

  • arrays
  • cas
  • updated forwarding
  • don't restrict locals
  • cfence
  • no infeasible paths (must be enabled with -p due to potentially causing issues with D invariant calculation for while rule)