Script installing aptX and LDAC codecs for bluetooth devices from Debian 10 buster. (Despite the name) It finally also works for bullseye and bookworm (='testing' atm.). (This uses the method introduced with the buster-backport-repos to generate apt-/dpkg-compatible packages)
Choose backports turned on to install as deb-packages.
What does it do?
- Install the required sofware packages
- Backup the original libraries as .bak in their original folder.
- Clone the required sources from the EHfive project site and their submodules from pulseaudio and google-android repos
- Compile them
- Install them
- with backports turned on: as deb-packages named "libldac" and "pulseaudio-module-bluetooth" (uninstall possible)
- w/o backports: normal 'make install'
- for Debian deleases 'bullseye' and 'bookworm' the dpkg-package method is used, as packages needed are available in th repos by default
For more details see the comments in the script.