(c) copyright 2014-2020 by [email protected]
A scipt to demux and mux a mpeg-ts (DVB) stream and finally author a DVD without re-encode
Since 2014 I'm using tvheadend (https://github.com/tvheadend) on my Raspberry Pi to record dvb-c streams.
Due the fact that the dvb-c (mpeg2-ts) streams are a little bit tricky to handle (and because I'm lazy) I decided to write a script that demux, cut and mux my recordings and finnally author a DVD - without re-encoding.
The script runs well on raspbian and should run on other (debian)-distributions too.
- ProjectX
- comskip
- mplex (from mjpegtools)
- dvdauthor.
- optional: ffmpeg and mediainfo.
This script can be used stand-alone or as post-processing script for tv-headend.
./demux.sh inputfilename.ts [/path/to/inputfilename.ts] [MODE] [AUDIO]
./demux.sh %b %f [MODE] [AUDIO]
[] = optional
AUDIO = AUTO, 1 or 2