Use git and GitHub to version-control this project. Name the project wise-doggo on your GitHub account, then clone it locally and start making commits and pushing your changes as you work on the project.
[ image of dog ]
[ wise quote ]
[ ENLIGHTEN ME -> button to be pressed ]
CONCEPT: The idea is very simple. Anytime the button is pressed, the dog image and wisdom quote get replaced with new versions. In order to fetch these, use the following API endpoints: Random Dog Images: https://place.dog/400/400 Random Quotes: https://api.quotable.io/random
These endpoints generate a new image / quote with each new GET HTTP request. You should put together a simple webpage, and write JS for it so that the button "listens" to every time it is clicked and it replaces the image and the quote with newly fetched images and quotes from the endpoints mentioned above.
Have fun with it! Don't forget to chat to your bff, Copilot!