HAProxy installation and configuration, using LWRP for frontend and backend.
Please note that this cookbook is not tested much yet. Use with caution ;)
Assume we can install haproxy from packages.
SSL features needs HAProxy > 1.5.dev12 (tested with dev17)
- default['haproxy']['version'] - Version to install. Default to 1.5.17 aka 1.5-dev17 - latest ssl enabled version
- default['haproxy']['enable_ssl'] - Set to true if you want to force the installation of a package named haproxy-ssl
- default['haproxy']['user'] = "haproxy"
- default['haproxy']['group'] = "haproxy"
- default['haproxy']['log_address'] - Syslog server address. Default ""
- default['haproxy']['log_facility'] - Syslog facility to use. default "local2"
- default['haproxy']['conf_dir'] - Config directory. Default to "/etc/haproxy"
- default['haproxy']['config'] - main config file. Set automatically to haconfig.cfg
- default['haproxy']['admin']['enable'] - Should we enable the stats web interface?
- default['haproxy']['admin']['address_bind'] - Where to bind the stats interface
- default['haproxy']['admin']['port'] - stats interface, port 1936
- default['haproxy']['admin']['user'] - stats interface, user
- default['haproxy']['admin']['password'] - stats interface password
- default['haproxy']['defaults']['options'] = [ "dontlognull", "redispatch"]
- default['haproxy']['defaults']['timeouts']['connect'] = "5s"
- default['haproxy']['defaults']['timeouts']['client'] = "50s"
- default['haproxy']['defaults']['timeouts']['server'] = "50s"
- default['haproxy']['defaults']['timeouts']['check'] = "10s"
- default['haproxy']['defaults']['timeouts']['http-request'] = "10s"
- default['haproxy']['defaults']['timeouts']['http-keep-alive'] = "10s"
- default['haproxy']['defaults']['max_connections'] = 4096
Install HAProxy by adding it to your run list, or include the default recipe into a recipe describing your load-balancing setup.
Use the haproxy_frontend and haproxy_backend LWRP to configure your load-balancing setup.
include_recipe "haproxy"
haproxy_frontend "test" do
action :create
mode 'http'
default_backend "test"
options %w( opt1 opt2)
raw_config <<-EOF
# add your own config snippets
haproxy_backend "test" do
action :create
mode "http"
options %w( opt1 opt2)
server_port "8000"
server_maxconn 12
raw_config <<-EOF
# more raw config
# set your list of server configuration directly...
servers_config [ "server a check", "server b check", "server c backup"]
# or use a search
servers_search "roles:webserver"
The following parameters are available for the frontend LWRP:
- template - override to specify your own template
- cookbook - the cookbook where we can find your template
- bind_address - default => "*"
- bind_port - default => "80"
- ssl (true or false, default false) - enable SSL on this frontend
- ssl_cert - Name of the certificate. Defaults to frontend-name.pem. Certificates are stored in /etc/haproxy/ssl/
- ssl_databag - name of the databag that store your certificates (INCOMPLETE)
- ssl_databag_item - name of the item storing your certificate
- ssl_databag_secret - path of the encrypted data bag secret file to use
- mode - Operating mode. tcp or http
- log - policy, default => 'global'
- options - array of Options to enable. None by default.
- timeout_client - Client timeout, in milliseconds
- maxconn - max connection for this frontend. default => 10000
- raw_config - Raw config. Can be use to add arbitrary settings to your config. Use it for ACL rules, weird options, etc.
- default_backend - If non-nil, will be added to the config after the config block to set the default backend
- template - override to specify your own template
- cookbook - the cookbook where we can find your template
- mode - Operating mode. tcp or http
- ssl (true or false, default false) - if true, will add the option ssl-hell-chk
- maxconn - max connection for this frontend. default => 10000
- raw_config - Raw config. Can be use to add arbitrary settings to your config. Use it for ACL rules, weird options, etc.
- timeout_connect - Timeout, connect
- timeout_queue - Timeout, queue
- timeout_server - Timeout, server
- server_port - Port to use on the destination servers
- default_server - If non-nil, will be added to the config after the config block to set the default server_
- server_maxconn - default max conn per server. default => 5000
- server_weight - default server weight. default => 10
Use one of the following method (or set only the default_server):
- servers_search - Add the server matching this search
- servers_name - Specify a list of name of server. WARNING: incomplete for now
- servers_config - Specify a list of server configs: array of string that contains the server configs
More complex configuration should use the servers_config method where you build your own lines of config with any settings that you need.