Documentation, tools, tutorials, fun stuff, helpful articles, things I like…
- CSS on MDN
- JavaScript on MDN
- A11y coffee
- Web development basics (blog post series)
- CSS for JavaScript Developers ($$)
- Learn HTML
- Learn CSS
- Learn Responsive Design
- HTML for People
- HTTP 203 on YouTube
- Off The Main Thread Podcast
- Designing in the Browser on YouTube
- The CSS Podcast
- @btconf (beyond tellerrand) on YouTube
- @SmashingMagazineVideos on YouTube
- StahlstadtJS on YouTube
- ScriptConf on YouTube
- Markup validation service
- Can I use…
- Codepen
- CSS Stats
- Squoosh (image optimization)
- SVGOMG (SVG optimization)
- Favicon generator
- scale Blog: A small scale blog about large scale projects
- A blog about TypeScript, Rust, and more...
- Pimp my Type: A blog about web typography and design
- A blog about web development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web accessibility.
- Smashing Magazine
- by Google
- Josh W. Comeau
- Rachel Andrew
- Miriam Suzanne
- Andy Bell
- Piccalilli
- Matthias Ott
- Resilient Web Design
- How to simplify your design (article)
- Atomic Design
- Refactoring UI
- Answers to Common (Web) Design Questions (article)
- CSS reference: An extensive CSS reference with all the important properties and info to learn CSS from the basics
- CSS Mistakes: Incomplete List of Mistakes in the Design of CSS
- CSS Guidelines: High-level advice and guidelines for writing sane, manageable, scalable CSS by Harry Roberts
- Defensive CSS: Practical CSS and design tips that helps in building future-proof user interfaces by Ahmad Shadeed
- CSS Grid Garden
- Flexbox Froggy