- Add Console kernel
- Add HTTP Kernel
- Add AMPHP and Fiber request method
- Add Middlewares
- Add Multi Bot development capability
- Add Broadcasting
- Add Queue and Job
- Add RateLimiter
- Add Command Scheduling
- Add Concurrency
- Add Multilingual capability
- Add Logging
- Custom rewrite of Eloquent ORM
- Structural changes in project files
- Optimization and development of the caching system
- Rewrite documentation -> Under construction
- ???
From now on, LaraGram is truly a Framework!
# App/Resources/bot.php
use LaraGram\Request\Request;
use LaraGram\Support\Facades\Bot;
Bot::onText('hello', function (Request $request) {
$request->sendMessage($request->message->chat->id, 'hi');
composer create-project laraxgram/laragram my-bot
Some of the following features have not yet been added to version 2 and are being rewritten. They are marked with *
. All of them will be added in the next few steps.
- Support Local Bot Api Server
- Manage Resources
- Manage Webhook
- Manage Dependency*
- Manage Api Controller*
- Manage Models
- Manage Migrations
- Manage Factories
- Manage Seeders
- Manage WebServer
- Manage Service Provider
- Curl
- Non-Response Curl
- Laravel Eloquent (recommended & default)
- Model
- Migrations
- Factories
- Seeders
- Redis*
- Json (exclusive)
- Model
- Migrations
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