Docker Base setup Ansible Playbook to get you quickly up and running with server basics to run your Docker containers on. This Playbook has:
- deployer / sudo user
- ufw firewall
- Docker Engine and Docker Compose
- Swapfile
This base is created as an Ansible book so Laradock and the Laravel app of choice can be added to an Ubuntu 18.0.4 image with basic setup done. This version is also the latest Docker can work with at the moment. We tend to set up a Digital Ocean Droplet with Ubuntu 18.0.4 and attach our own id_rsa public key to it so we have a root user with our SSH key up and running. From there on you can use this playbook.
An extra user for deployment and sudo tasks is setup using the Ansible User module. With this setup you can deploy as a web user with ssh access. You can also use the same user used for deployment as an admin user. You could of course set up a secondary admin user as well, but I have decided to not do that just yet.
Both Docker and Docker Compose are setup with Geerlingguy's Docker role. You can adjust the composer version in the server.yml
where it currently overrides the default version.
We use Oefenweb's Swapfile to add more memory to the server. This way we can keep on using the cheap $5 / month Droplet and run composer and so on without issues.
Do not forget to add group_vars/all.yml
. Here are example vars you can adjust:
- upassword: password
- web_user: web
- github_keys: