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feat(configuration): imu now supported in configuration #1000
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Added the option of using the 'imu' sensor modality in the
configuration yaml file, so the configure script does not return an error;
  • Loading branch information
Kazadhum committed Jan 20, 2025
1 parent 9243589 commit 448bc70
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Showing 19 changed files with 2,415 additions and 4 deletions.
42 changes: 38 additions & 4 deletions atom_calibration/scripts/configure_calibration_pkg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
elif topic_compressed in bag_topics:
msg_type = bag_info[1][topic_compressed].msg_type
if ('modality' not in config['sensors'][sensor_key]) or (
config['sensors'][sensor_key]['modality'] not in ['rgb', 'depth', 'lidar3d', 'lidar2d']):
config['sensors'][sensor_key]['modality'] not in ['rgb', 'depth', 'lidar3d', 'lidar2d', 'imu']):
print(Fore.YELLOW + 'Warning: Sensor ID not properly identified for sensor ' + sensor_key + ' with topic '
+ topic + "Sensor will be identified by message type." + Style.RESET_ALL)
if msg_type == 'sensor_msgs/CompressedImage' or msg_type == 'sensor_msgs/Image':
Expand All @@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
config['sensors'][sensor_key]['modality'] = 'lidar2d'
elif msg_type == 'sensor_msgs/PointCloud2':
config['sensors'][sensor_key]['modality'] = 'lidar3d'
elif msg_type == "sensor_msgs/Imu":
config['sensors'][sensor_key]['modality'] = 'imu'
atomError('Cannot generate rviz configuration for sensor ' + Fore.BLUE + sensor_key +
Style.RESET_ALL + ' with topic ' + Fore.BLUE + topic + Style.RESET_ALL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,6 +654,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
labelers[sensor_key] = {'command': 'lidar3d_labeler'}
elif sensor['modality'] == 'depth':
labelers[sensor_key] = {'command': 'depth_labeler'}
elif sensor['modality'] == 'imu': # No labeler is needed for an IMU sensor. Check that does not break anything (#1000) -- Diogo V.
atomError('Sensor ' + sensor_key + ' has unknown modality ' + sensor['modality'])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -709,22 +713,32 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
sensor_combinations_dict = dict()

# Define mappings for filenames, arguments and based on sensor modalities

# Added imu sensor pairs to this (#1000) -- Diogo V.
modality_to_filename = {
('rgb', 'rgb'): 'rgb_to_rgb',
('lidar3d', 'lidar3d'): 'lidar_to_lidar',
('depth', 'depth'): 'depth_to_depth',
('imu', 'imu'): 'imu_to_imu',
('rgb', 'lidar3d'): 'lidar_to_rgb',
('lidar3d', 'rgb'): 'lidar_to_rgb',
('depth', 'lidar3d'): 'lidar_to_depth',
('lidar3d', 'depth'): 'lidar_to_depth',
('rgb', 'depth'): 'depth_to_rgb',
('depth', 'rgb'): 'depth_to_rgb',
('imu', 'rgb'): 'rgb_to_imu',
('rgb', 'imu'): 'rgb_to_imu',
('imu', 'depth'): 'depth_to_imu',
('depth', 'imu'): 'depth_to_imu',
('imu', 'lidar3d'): 'lidar_to_imu',
('lidar3d', 'imu'): 'lidar_to_imu'

modality_to_args = {
'rgb': '-cs {} ',
'depth': '-ds {} ',
'lidar3d': '-rs {} ',
'imu': '-is {}'

for calibration_pattern_key, calibration_pattern in config['calibration_patterns'].items():
Expand All @@ -749,14 +763,21 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
evaluation_description['args'] = modality_to_args[source_modality].format(source)
evaluation_description['args'] += modality_to_args[target_modality].format(target)

if source_modality == target_modality or\
# Added imu sensor pairs (#1000) -- Diogo V.
if source_modality == target_modality or \
source_modality == 'depth' and target_modality == 'rgb' or \
source_modality == 'lidar3d' and target_modality == 'rgb' or \
source_modality == 'lidar3d' and target_modality == 'depth':
source_modality == 'lidar3d' and target_modality == 'depth' or \
source_modality == 'rgb' and target_modality == 'imu' or \
source_modality == 'depth' and target_modality == 'imu' or \
source_modality == 'lidar3d' and target_modality == 'imu':
combination_name = source + '_to_' + target
elif source_modality == 'rgb' and target_modality == 'depth' or \
source_modality == 'rgb' and target_modality == 'lidar3d' or \
source_modality == 'depth' and target_modality == 'lidar3d':
source_modality == 'depth' and target_modality == 'lidar3d' or \
source_modality == 'imu' and target_modality == 'rgb' or \
source_modality == 'imu' and target_modality == 'depth' or \
source_modality == 'imu' and target_modality == 'lidar3d':
combination_name = target + '_to_' + source

combination_name = combination_name + '_' + calibration_pattern_key
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -878,6 +899,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
'Alpha': 1})
displays.append(yaml.load(rendered, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader))

elif modality == 'imu':

atomError('Warning: Cannot generate rviz configuration for sensor ' + sensor_key + ' with topic '
+ topic + ' (' + modality + ')' + Style.RESET_ALL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -956,6 +981,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
'Alpha': 1})
displays.append(yaml.load(rendered, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader))

elif modality == 'imu':

atomError('Warning: Cannot generate rviz configuration for sensor ' + sensor_key + ' with topic '
+ topic + ' (' + modality + ')' + Style.RESET_ALL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1079,6 +1107,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
displays.append(yaml.load(rendered, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader))

elif modality == 'imu':

print(Fore.YELLOW + 'Warning: Cannot generate rviz configuration for sensor ' + sensor_key + ' with topic '
+ topic + ' (' + modality + ')' + Style.RESET_ALL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1153,6 +1184,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
'Marker_Topic': labeled_topic})
displays.append(yaml.load(rendered, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader))

elif modality == 'imu':

print(Fore.YELLOW + 'Warning: Cannot generate rviz configuration for sensor ' + sensor_key + ' with topic '
+ topic + ' (' + modality + ')' + Style.RESET_ALL)
Expand Down
205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions atom_examples/rihibot/rihibot_calibration/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)

## Compile as C++11, supported in ROS Kinetic and newer
# add_compile_options(-std=c++11)

## Find catkin macros and libraries
## if COMPONENTS list like find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS xyz)
## is used, also find other catkin packages
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS

## System dependencies are found with CMake's conventions
# find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system)

## Uncomment this if the package has a This macro ensures
## modules and global scripts declared therein get installed
## See
# catkin_python_setup()

## Declare ROS messages, services and actions ##

## To declare and build messages, services or actions from within this
## package, follow these steps:
## * Let MSG_DEP_SET be the set of packages whose message types you use in
## your messages/services/actions (e.g. std_msgs, actionlib_msgs, ...).
## * In the file package.xml:
## * add a build_depend tag for "message_generation"
## * add a build_depend and a exec_depend tag for each package in MSG_DEP_SET
## * If MSG_DEP_SET isn't empty the following dependency has been pulled in
## but can be declared for certainty nonetheless:
## * add a exec_depend tag for "message_runtime"
## * In this file (CMakeLists.txt):
## * add "message_generation" and every package in MSG_DEP_SET to
## find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...)
## * add "message_runtime" and every package in MSG_DEP_SET to
## catkin_package(CATKIN_DEPENDS ...)
## * uncomment the add_*_files sections below as needed
## and list every .msg/.srv/.action file to be processed
## * uncomment the generate_messages entry below
## * add every package in MSG_DEP_SET to generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES ...)

## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder
# add_message_files(
# Message1.msg
# Message2.msg
# )

## Generate services in the 'srv' folder
# add_service_files(
# Service1.srv
# Service2.srv
# )

## Generate actions in the 'action' folder
# add_action_files(
# Action1.action
# Action2.action
# )

## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here
# generate_messages(
# std_msgs # Or other packages containing msgs
# )

## Declare ROS dynamic reconfigure parameters ##

## To declare and build dynamic reconfigure parameters within this
## package, follow these steps:
## * In the file package.xml:
## * add a build_depend and a exec_depend tag for "dynamic_reconfigure"
## * In this file (CMakeLists.txt):
## * add "dynamic_reconfigure" to
## find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...)
## * uncomment the "generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options" section below
## and list every .cfg file to be processed

## Generate dynamic reconfigure parameters in the 'cfg' folder
# generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options(
# cfg/DynReconf1.cfg
# cfg/DynReconf2.cfg
# )

## catkin specific configuration ##
## The catkin_package macro generates cmake config files for your package
## Declare things to be passed to dependent projects
## INCLUDE_DIRS: uncomment this if your package contains header files
## LIBRARIES: libraries you create in this project that dependent projects also need
## CATKIN_DEPENDS: catkin_packages dependent projects also need
## DEPENDS: system dependencies of this project that dependent projects also need
# INCLUDE_DIRS include
# LIBRARIES rihibot_calibration
# CATKIN_DEPENDS atom_calibration rospy
# DEPENDS system_lib

## Build ##

## Specify additional locations of header files
## Your package locations should be listed before other locations
# include

## Declare a C++ library
# add_library(${PROJECT_NAME}
# src/${PROJECT_NAME}/rihibot_calibration.cpp
# )

## Add cmake target dependencies of the library
## as an example, code may need to be generated before libraries
## either from message generation or dynamic reconfigure

## Declare a C++ executable
## With catkin_make all packages are built within a single CMake context
## The recommended prefix ensures that target names across packages don't collide
# add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_node src/rihibot_calibration_node.cpp)

## Rename C++ executable without prefix
## The above recommended prefix causes long target names, the following renames the
## target back to the shorter version for ease of user use
## e.g. "rosrun someones_pkg node" instead of "rosrun someones_pkg someones_pkg_node"
# set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME}_node PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME node PREFIX "")

## Add cmake target dependencies of the executable
## same as for the library above

## Specify libraries to link a library or executable target against
# target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_node
# ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
# )

## Install ##

# all install targets should use catkin DESTINATION variables
# See

## Mark executable scripts (Python etc.) for installation
## in contrast to, you can choose the destination
# catkin_install_python(PROGRAMS
# scripts/my_python_script
# )

## Mark executables for installation
## See
# install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME}_node
# )

## Mark libraries for installation
## See
# )

## Mark cpp header files for installation
# install(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME}/
# )

## Mark other files for installation (e.g. launch and bag files, etc.)
# install(FILES
# # myfile1
# # myfile2
# )

## Testing ##

## Add gtest based cpp test target and link libraries
# catkin_add_gtest(${PROJECT_NAME}-test test/test_rihibot_calibration.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}-test ${PROJECT_NAME})
# endif()

## Add folders to be run by python nosetests
# catkin_add_nosetests(test)

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