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Merge pull request #969 from lardemua/miguelriemoliveira/issue954
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miguelriemoliveira authored Jul 13, 2024
2 parents a5f8128 + e8d879d commit 8eaf85d
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Showing 10 changed files with 2,430 additions and 53 deletions.
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions atom_calibration/scripts/odometry_inspector
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# System and standard imports
import argparse
import os
import os.path
import sys
from functools import partial

# ros imports
from atom_core.utilities import createLambdaExpressionsForArgs
import rospy
from atom_core.naming import generateLabeledTopic
from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2

# 3rd-party imports
from colorama import Back, Fore, Style
from pynput import keyboard

# Atom imports
from atom_calibration.odometry_inspector.depth_manual_labeling import clickedPointsCallback, clickedPointsReset
from atom_calibration.odometry_inspector.lidar3d_manual_labeling import *
from atom_calibration.odometry_inspector.visualization import setupVisualization, visualizationFunction
from atom_core.dataset_io import (filterCollectionsFromDataset,
filterSensorsFromDataset, loadResultsJSON, saveAtomDataset)

from atom_calibration.odometry_inspector.interactive_first_guess import InteractiveFirstGuess

# own packages

# global variables ... are forbidden

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def printHelp():

s = 'Drag with the left button to select objects in the 3D scene.\n' \
' Hold the Alt key to change viewpoint as in the Move tool.'\
' Holding the Shift key will allow adding to the current selection.\n'\
' Holding the Ctrl key will allow subtraction from the current selection.\n'\
' The following keys are also available:\n'\
' p - Publish selected points to /rviz_selected_points\n'\
' b - Publish selected points to /rviz_selected_border_points\n'\
' r - Publish selected points to /rviz_selected_remove_points\n'\
' c - Publish selected points to /rviz_selected_clear_all_points\n'\
' d - Switch between detect (find pattern inside user defined polygon) and delete (delete boundary points inside polygon) modes for depth labeling\n'\
' s - Save dataset\n'\
' q - Save dataset and quit \n'


def keyPressedCallback(key, selection, dataset, args, depth_mode, output_file):

if key is None:
# TODO #402 does not work if some of the collections in the middles, e.g. '1' are removed. An easy test is to run a -csf "lambda x: x in ['0', '2']"

# print("collection_key = " + str(selection['collection_key']))
# print("previous_collection_key = " + str(selection['previous_collection_key']))

# Shortcut variables
idx_collection = list(dataset['collections'].keys()).index(selection['collection_key'])
idx_max_collection = len(dataset['collections'].keys()) - 1

# Convert from type to string to keep uniform.

key_char = key.char
# print(key_char)
if key_char == 's': # Saves dataset.
saveAtomDataset(output_file, dataset, freeze_dataset=True)
print('A new dataset was saved in ' + output_file)
elif key_char == 'q': # Saves dataset and quits.
saveAtomDataset(output_file, dataset, freeze_dataset=True)
print('A new dataset was saved in ' + output_file)
print('Exiting ...')
selection['exit'] = True
elif key_char == 'h': # Prints help.
elif key_char == 'd': # Prints help.

if depth_mode['mode'] == 'detect':
depth_mode['mode'] = 'delete'
depth_mode['mode'] = 'detect'

print('Changed depth mode to ' + depth_mode['mode'])

except AttributeError:
if key == keyboard.Key.right: # Save and move to collection + 1.
if idx_collection < idx_max_collection:
selection['previous_collection_key'] = selection['collection_key']
selection['collection_key'] = list(dataset['collections'].keys())[idx_collection+1]
print('Changed selected_collection_key to ' + str(selection['collection_key']))
saveAtomDataset(output_file, dataset, freeze_dataset=True)

# More intuitive if detect mode is True at the beginning of a new collection
depth_mode['mode'] = 'detect'
print('Changed depth mode to ' + depth_mode['mode'])
print(Fore.RED + 'This is the last collection!!' + Fore.RESET)
elif key == keyboard.Key.left: # Save and move to collection - 1.
if idx_collection > 0:
selection['previous_collection_key'] = selection['collection_key']
selection['collection_key'] = list(dataset['collections'].keys())[idx_collection-1]
print('Changed selected_collection_key to ' + str(selection['collection_key']))
saveAtomDataset(output_file, dataset, freeze_dataset=True)

# More intuitive if detect mode is True at the beginning of a new collection
depth_mode['mode'] = 'detect'
print('Changed depth mode to ' + depth_mode['mode'])

print(Fore.RED + 'This is the first collection!!' + Fore.RESET)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- MAIN
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def main():
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-json", "--json_file",
help="Json file containing input dataset.", type=str, required=True)
"-ow", "--overwrite",
help="Overwrites the data_corrected.json without asking for permission.",
"-rnb", "--remove_nan_border",
help="Option for the labeling of depth images. It Will run a detection of nan values in the image, searching for the actual area of the image which is used. Then, border detection will use this estimated area...",
"-rc", "--reference_collection",
help="", required=True)
"-rs", "--reference_sensor",
help="", required=True)
ap.add_argument("-op", "--odometry_parent", help="", required=True)
ap.add_argument("-oc", "--odometry_child", help="", required=True)
ap.add_argument("-s", "--marker_scale", type=float, default=0.9,
help='Scale of the interactive markers.')
# ap.add_argument(
# "-csf", "--collection_selection_function", default=None, type=str,
# help="A string to be evaluated into a lambda function that receives a collection name as input and "
# "returns True or False to indicate if the collection should be loaded (and used in the "
# "optimization). The Syntax is lambda name: f(x), where f(x) is the function in python "
# "language. Example: lambda name: int(name) > 5 , to load only collections 6, 7, and onward.")

# Roslaunch adds two arguments (__name and __log) that break our parser. Lets remove those.
arglist = [x for x in sys.argv[1:] if not x.startswith('__')]
# these args have the selection functions as strings
args_original = vars(ap.parse_args(args=arglist))
args = createLambdaExpressionsForArgs(args_original) # selection functions are now lambdas

# Arguments which are not options for odometry_inspector
args['ros_visualization'] = True
args['show_images'] = True
args['use_incomplete_collections'] = True
args['remove_partial_detections'] = False
args['collection_selection_function'] = None

# ---------------------------------------
# --- INITIALIZATION Read data from file
# ---------------------------------------
# Loads a json file containing the detections. Returned json_file has path resolved by urireader.
dataset, json_file = loadResultsJSON(args['json_file'], args['collection_selection_function'])

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Filter some collections and / or sensors from the dataset
# ---------------------------------------
# dataset = filterCollectionsFromDataset(dataset, args) # During dataset review there is no need to filter out collections

output_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args['json_file']), 'dataset_corrected.json')
if os.path.exists(output_file) and args['json_file'] != output_file and not args['overwrite']:
ans = input('The file dataset_corrected.json already exists.'
' Do you want to overwrite? (Y/n)')
if ans.lower() == 'n':

dataset = filterSensorsFromDataset(dataset, args) # filter sensors

print('Loaded dataset containing ' + str(len(dataset['sensors'].keys())) + ' sensors and ' +
str(len(dataset['collections'].keys())) + ' collections.')

depth_mode = {'mode': 'detect'}

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Define selection
# ---------------------------------------
# Lets start with the first key on the collections dictionary.
# Data structure used to save the state of navigation throughout the collections in the dataset.
selection = {'collection_key': list(dataset['collections'].keys())[
0], 'previous_collection_key': None, 'exit': False}

print("Configuring visualization ... ")
graphics = setupVisualization(dataset, args, selection['collection_key'])

# ---------------------------------------
# --- lidar3d modality subscribers
# ---------------------------------------

# Define subscriber to receive the selected points
rospy.Subscriber("/rviz/selected_points", PointCloud2,
partial(selectedPointsCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset))

rospy.Subscriber("/rviz/selected_border_points", PointCloud2,
partial(selectedPointsBorderCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset))

rospy.Subscriber("/rviz/selected_remove_points", PointCloud2,
partial(selectedPointsRemoveCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset))

rospy.Subscriber("/rviz/selected_clear_all_points", PointCloud2,
partial(selectedPointsClearAllCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset))

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Depth modality subscribers
# ---------------------------------------

# Subscriber for the image_click plugin
# this stores the pixel coordinates of clicked points per collection, and per sensor key
clicked_points = {collection_key: {} for collection_key in dataset['collections']}

# Initialize clicked points for all collections and sensors
for collection_key in dataset['collections']:
for sensor_key, sensor in dataset['sensors'].items():
if sensor['modality'] == 'depth':
clickedPointsReset(clicked_points, collection_key, sensor_key)

# Create a subscriber for each depth sensor
for sensor_key, sensor in dataset['sensors'].items():
if sensor['modality'] == 'depth':

points_topic = generateLabeledTopic(
type='2d') + '/mouse_click'
rospy.Subscriber(points_topic, PointStamped,
clickedPointsCallback, clicked_points=clicked_points,
dataset=dataset, sensor_key=sensor_key, selection=selection,
depth_mode=depth_mode, args=args))

# ---------------------------------------
# --- RGB modality subscribers
# ---------------------------------------
# TODO #394 To implement in the future.

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Define callback to navigate through collections
# ---------------------------------------
listener = keyboard.Listener(
keyPressedCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset, args=args,
depth_mode=depth_mode, output_file=output_file))

# ---------------------------------------
# Setting up interactive marker
# ---------------------------------------
first_guess = InteractiveFirstGuess(args, dataset, selection)

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Loop while displaying selected collection
# ---------------------------------------
print('\nPress ' + Fore.BLUE + '"h"' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' for instructions.\n')

rate = rospy.Rate(10) # in hertz.
tic =
current_collection = 'this will not be a collection key'
while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not selection['exit']:
models = {'dataset': dataset, 'args': args, 'graphics': graphics}
if selection['collection_key'] != current_collection:
current_collection = selection['collection_key']

visualizationFunction(models=models, selection=selection, clicked_points=clicked_points)

# if ( - tic).to_sec() > 3:
# tic =

if __name__ == "__main__":
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions atom_calibration/src/atom_calibration/odometry_inspector/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Dataset Reviewer

Tool to manually label 3D point clouds.

Launch rviz preconfigured:

roslaunch <robot_name> dataset_playback.launch

Launch dataset_reviewer script:

rosrun atom_calibration dataset_playback2 -json $ATOM_DATASETS/<robot_name>/<path_to_dataset>/dataset.json -uic -si

Then, select the SelectedPointsPublisher plugin.

Once the plugin is selected, click on the points you want and press:

- **p** to add those points to 'idxs'
- **b** to add those points to 'idxs_limit_points'
- **r** to remove those points from 'idxs' and/or 'idxs_limit_points'
- **c** to remove all points from both 'idxs' and 'idxs_limit_points'

To navigate across collections, use the **right** and **left** arrows.

If you want to label multiple point clouds, it is advisable to only visualize the one you are currently labeling.

To save the corrected dataset, just select the terminal that launched the dataset_reviewer and press Ctr+C followed by yes.
Empty file.

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