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Kazadhum committed Jul 15, 2024
2 parents 91e35ee + 6da568a commit daa20e7
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Showing 9 changed files with 2,279 additions and 217 deletions.
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions atom_calibration/scripts/odometry_inspector
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# System and standard imports
import argparse
import os
import os.path
import sys
from functools import partial

# ros imports
from atom_core.utilities import createLambdaExpressionsForArgs
import rospy
from atom_core.naming import generateLabeledTopic
from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2

# 3rd-party imports
from colorama import Back, Fore, Style
from pynput import keyboard

# Atom imports
from atom_calibration.odometry_inspector.depth_manual_labeling import clickedPointsCallback, clickedPointsReset
from atom_calibration.odometry_inspector.lidar3d_manual_labeling import *
from atom_calibration.odometry_inspector.visualization import setupVisualization, visualizationFunction
from atom_core.dataset_io import (filterCollectionsFromDataset,
filterSensorsFromDataset, loadResultsJSON, saveAtomDataset)

from atom_calibration.odometry_inspector.interactive_first_guess import InteractiveFirstGuess

# own packages

# global variables ... are forbidden

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def printHelp():

s = 'Drag with the left button to select objects in the 3D scene.\n' \
' Hold the Alt key to change viewpoint as in the Move tool.'\
' Holding the Shift key will allow adding to the current selection.\n'\
' Holding the Ctrl key will allow subtraction from the current selection.\n'\
' The following keys are also available:\n'\
' p - Publish selected points to /rviz_selected_points\n'\
' b - Publish selected points to /rviz_selected_border_points\n'\
' r - Publish selected points to /rviz_selected_remove_points\n'\
' c - Publish selected points to /rviz_selected_clear_all_points\n'\
' d - Switch between detect (find pattern inside user defined polygon) and delete (delete boundary points inside polygon) modes for depth labeling\n'\
' s - Save dataset\n'\
' q - Save dataset and quit \n'


def keyPressedCallback(key, selection, dataset, args, depth_mode, output_file):

if key is None:
# TODO #402 does not work if some of the collections in the middles, e.g. '1' are removed. An easy test is to run a -csf "lambda x: x in ['0', '2']"

# print("collection_key = " + str(selection['collection_key']))
# print("previous_collection_key = " + str(selection['previous_collection_key']))

# Shortcut variables
idx_collection = list(dataset['collections'].keys()).index(selection['collection_key'])
idx_max_collection = len(dataset['collections'].keys()) - 1

# Convert from type to string to keep uniform.

key_char = key.char
# print(key_char)
if key_char == 's': # Saves dataset.
saveAtomDataset(output_file, dataset, freeze_dataset=True)
print('A new dataset was saved in ' + output_file)
elif key_char == 'q': # Saves dataset and quits.
saveAtomDataset(output_file, dataset, freeze_dataset=True)
print('A new dataset was saved in ' + output_file)
print('Exiting ...')
selection['exit'] = True
elif key_char == 'h': # Prints help.
elif key_char == 'd': # Prints help.

if depth_mode['mode'] == 'detect':
depth_mode['mode'] = 'delete'
depth_mode['mode'] = 'detect'

print('Changed depth mode to ' + depth_mode['mode'])

except AttributeError:
if key == keyboard.Key.right: # Save and move to collection + 1.
if idx_collection < idx_max_collection:
selection['previous_collection_key'] = selection['collection_key']
selection['collection_key'] = list(dataset['collections'].keys())[idx_collection+1]
print('Changed selected_collection_key to ' + str(selection['collection_key']))
saveAtomDataset(output_file, dataset, freeze_dataset=True)

# More intuitive if detect mode is True at the beginning of a new collection
depth_mode['mode'] = 'detect'
print('Changed depth mode to ' + depth_mode['mode'])
print(Fore.RED + 'This is the last collection!!' + Fore.RESET)
elif key == keyboard.Key.left: # Save and move to collection - 1.
if idx_collection > 0:
selection['previous_collection_key'] = selection['collection_key']
selection['collection_key'] = list(dataset['collections'].keys())[idx_collection-1]
print('Changed selected_collection_key to ' + str(selection['collection_key']))
saveAtomDataset(output_file, dataset, freeze_dataset=True)

# More intuitive if detect mode is True at the beginning of a new collection
depth_mode['mode'] = 'detect'
print('Changed depth mode to ' + depth_mode['mode'])

print(Fore.RED + 'This is the first collection!!' + Fore.RESET)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- MAIN
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def main():
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-json", "--json_file",
help="Json file containing input dataset.", type=str, required=True)
"-ow", "--overwrite",
help="Overwrites the data_corrected.json without asking for permission.",
"-rnb", "--remove_nan_border",
help="Option for the labeling of depth images. It Will run a detection of nan values in the image, searching for the actual area of the image which is used. Then, border detection will use this estimated area...",
"-rc", "--reference_collection",
help="", required=True)
"-rs", "--reference_sensor",
help="", required=True)
"-2d", "--2d_mode", required=True,
help="Interactive marker only moves in 2D. Useful for odometry transformations",)
ap.add_argument("-op", "--odometry_parent", help="", required=True)
ap.add_argument("-oc", "--odometry_child", help="", required=True)
ap.add_argument("-s", "--marker_scale", type=float, default=0.9,
help='Scale of the interactive markers.')
# ap.add_argument(
# "-csf", "--collection_selection_function", default=None, type=str,
# help="A string to be evaluated into a lambda function that receives a collection name as input and "
# "returns True or False to indicate if the collection should be loaded (and used in the "
# "optimization). The Syntax is lambda name: f(x), where f(x) is the function in python "
# "language. Example: lambda name: int(name) > 5 , to load only collections 6, 7, and onward.")

# Roslaunch adds two arguments (__name and __log) that break our parser. Lets remove those.
arglist = [x for x in sys.argv[1:] if not x.startswith('__')]
# these args have the selection functions as strings
args_original = vars(ap.parse_args(args=arglist))
args = createLambdaExpressionsForArgs(args_original) # selection functions are now lambdas

# Arguments which are not options for odometry_inspector
args['ros_visualization'] = True
args['show_images'] = True
args['use_incomplete_collections'] = True
args['remove_partial_detections'] = False
args['collection_selection_function'] = None

# ---------------------------------------
# --- INITIALIZATION Read data from file
# ---------------------------------------
# Loads a json file containing the detections. Returned json_file has path resolved by urireader.
dataset, json_file = loadResultsJSON(args['json_file'], args['collection_selection_function'])

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Filter some collections and / or sensors from the dataset
# ---------------------------------------
# dataset = filterCollectionsFromDataset(dataset, args) # During dataset review there is no need to filter out collections

output_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args['json_file']), 'dataset_corrected.json')
if os.path.exists(output_file) and args['json_file'] != output_file and not args['overwrite']:
ans = input('The file dataset_corrected.json already exists.'
' Do you want to overwrite? (Y/n)')
if ans.lower() == 'n':

dataset = filterSensorsFromDataset(dataset, args) # filter sensors

print('Loaded dataset containing ' + str(len(dataset['sensors'].keys())) + ' sensors and ' +
str(len(dataset['collections'].keys())) + ' collections.')

depth_mode = {'mode': 'detect'}

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Define selection
# ---------------------------------------
# Lets start with the first key on the collections dictionary.
# Data structure used to save the state of navigation throughout the collections in the dataset.
selection = {'collection_key': list(dataset['collections'].keys())[
0], 'previous_collection_key': None, 'exit': False}

print("Configuring visualization ... ")
graphics = setupVisualization(dataset, args, selection['collection_key'])

# ---------------------------------------
# --- lidar3d modality subscribers
# ---------------------------------------

# Define subscriber to receive the selected points
rospy.Subscriber("/rviz/selected_points", PointCloud2,
partial(selectedPointsCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset))

rospy.Subscriber("/rviz/selected_border_points", PointCloud2,
partial(selectedPointsBorderCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset))

rospy.Subscriber("/rviz/selected_remove_points", PointCloud2,
partial(selectedPointsRemoveCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset))

rospy.Subscriber("/rviz/selected_clear_all_points", PointCloud2,
partial(selectedPointsClearAllCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset))

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Depth modality subscribers
# ---------------------------------------

# Subscriber for the image_click plugin
# this stores the pixel coordinates of clicked points per collection, and per sensor key
clicked_points = {collection_key: {} for collection_key in dataset['collections']}

# Initialize clicked points for all collections and sensors
for collection_key in dataset['collections']:
for sensor_key, sensor in dataset['sensors'].items():
if sensor['modality'] == 'depth':
clickedPointsReset(clicked_points, collection_key, sensor_key)

# Create a subscriber for each depth sensor
for sensor_key, sensor in dataset['sensors'].items():
if sensor['modality'] == 'depth':

points_topic = generateLabeledTopic(
type='2d') + '/mouse_click'
rospy.Subscriber(points_topic, PointStamped,
clickedPointsCallback, clicked_points=clicked_points,
dataset=dataset, sensor_key=sensor_key, selection=selection,
depth_mode=depth_mode, args=args))

# ---------------------------------------
# --- RGB modality subscribers
# ---------------------------------------
# TODO #394 To implement in the future.

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Define callback to navigate through collections
# ---------------------------------------
listener = keyboard.Listener(
keyPressedCallback, selection=selection, dataset=dataset, args=args,
depth_mode=depth_mode, output_file=output_file))

# ---------------------------------------
# Setting up interactive marker
# ---------------------------------------
first_guess = InteractiveFirstGuess(args, dataset, selection)

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Loop while displaying selected collection
# ---------------------------------------
print('\nPress ' + Fore.BLUE + '"h"' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' for instructions.\n')

rate = rospy.Rate(10) # in hertz.
tic =
current_collection = 'this will not be a collection key'
while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not selection['exit']:
models = {'dataset': dataset, 'args': args, 'graphics': graphics}
if selection['collection_key'] != current_collection:
current_collection = selection['collection_key']

visualizationFunction(models=models, selection=selection, clicked_points=clicked_points)

# if ( - tic).to_sec() > 3:
# tic =

if __name__ == "__main__":

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